Instructions for washing machine Indesit WISE 10 CSI
If you are interested in this publication, then you have an Indesit WISE 10 CSI washing machine, the instructions for which, for some reason, are lost or unreadable due to the lack of translation into Russian. It’s good that you started looking for it, and didn’t start studying the “home assistant” yourself, poking buttons on everything in the hope of guessing. In this article you will find everything you need!
Let's install and connect the machine
Before you begin installing the washing machine, you need to check it for external defects, so that if any are found, you can hand the “home assistant” back to the seller. Next, you need to remove the plugs with spacer washers and unscrew the fasteners that were intended for transporting the washing machine. We insert the plugs where we unscrewed the bolts, and then we put away the removed parts, they may be useful in the future.
We will not touch the hoses attached to the body for now, so that they do not interfere with moving the machine.
Now you should leave the machine alone for a while and work on the place where you plan to put the machine. In a good way, you should start preparing a place for the machine during a major renovation of the premises.
- Lay pipes and arrange connections for connecting the inlet hose.
- Install a siphon with an outlet for the drain hose or a sewer pipe outlet for the same.
- Provide separate grounded and circuit-protected wiring for the moisture-resistant outlet.
- Strengthen and, if possible, level the floor under the future machine. The stronger and smoother the floor, the less vibration, accordingly, the quieter the machine will operate and the longer it will last.
- And of course, you need to make enough space for the future “home assistant” so that nothing stands in front of her hatch and does not interfere with putting laundry in the drum, so that there are gaps around the body (on the sides and top - 1 cm, at the back - 10 cm). In general, the idea is clear!
We drag the washing machine into place. By the way, you shouldn’t do this alone, you might tear your navel. Let's move the surrounding objects apart so that there is access to the washing machine body from all sides, otherwise it will be inconvenient to connect.
We release the hoses from the fastenings and install the inlet hose. What does it mean to equip? We insert the rubber seals into it, having previously lubricated them with grease (in case they have dried out). We screw one end of the hose to the filling valve (machine body), and the other to the outlet of the water pipe. Usually a tee tap is placed at the outlet of the pipe so that the water flowing into the machine can be shut off. Checking the quality of the connection.
Next, we connect the drain hose that comes from the pump to the sewer. By the way, the pump pumps water out of the machine quite quickly. So if you do not secure the hose properly, the waste water will splash out onto the floor. Do not tighten the hose; if the length is not enough, it is better to extend it using a hose of the same diameter.
Now we just have to connect the machine to the outlet. Be careful, if you live in a village where there are frequent power outages or frequent voltage drops, it is better to connect the machine through Voltage regulator. This will seriously protect your new “home assistant”.
Control panel, starting the wash
If the connection was successful, it's time to try out your new machine.To begin with, it would be a good idea to study its control panel to understand which knob and which button are responsible for what. So, the Indesit WISE 10 CSI washing machine has 4 categories of elements on the control panel, not counting the dispenser. What is it about?
- Pens. This model of the Indesit washing machine has only one handle and it is used to switch programs.
- Buttons. There are eight buttons, with their help the washing machine is turned on, the washing program is started, and various functions are activated.
- LED indicators. Three LED indicators illuminate the function buttons: “light ironing”, “extra rinse”, “stain removal”.
- Display. There is only one screen on the control panel and all information useful to the user is displayed on it.
The Russified control panels of Indesit WISE 10 CSI washing machines contain a lot of useful information. In particular, all programs and functions available are signed.
Let's start the wash. Press the large button located in the upper right corner of the machine, which activates the control panel. Under normal conditions, we will need to load laundry, but this should not be done during the first wash. Let the machine run the program idle and wash the inside.
We turn our selector so that the arrow is opposite the number 2. Press the corresponding button so that the desired function is activated (you don’t have to do this during the first wash). Add powder to the dispenser. Click the button that is in the top row, second from the right. This button activates the washing program. Then all you have to do is wait for the machine to wash.
How the dispenser works
It would be nice to also see how the dispenser is designed so that you know which compartment to fill with what product.Almost all Indesit brand machines have the same dispenser. It is designed very simply. Pull-out plastic drawer, divided into three compartments. The first compartment on the left is rarely used. It is needed when activating the “soaking” mode. When running regular programs, you should not put powder there. The middle compartment is always needed, because it is for washing in the main mode. The far right compartment is for rinse aid.
There is also a whitening compartment. It is placed directly in compartment number one when you need to turn on the “whitening” function. It is rarely in demand, so the manufacturer deliberately made this compartment clip-on.
After washing
Well, you know everything you need to do laundry using the new Indesit washing machine. However, in order for the washing machine to work for a long time and not lose its aesthetic appearance, it needs to be looked after. You don't have to do anything special. You only need after each wash:
- dry the inside of the machine by leaving the hatch and dispenser open;
- wipe the rubber bands and all other wet parts with a rag so that the moisture does not stagnate and an unpleasant odor does not form;
- rinse the powder receptacle from any remaining gel or powder.
These measures will help maintain the neat appearance of the washing machine, but this is not enough. In order for the washer to work properly, you need to periodically clean the debris filter. How to clean the filter in an Indesit washing machine, you can read in the article published on our website.
So we have published a short version of the instructions for this washing machine. Perhaps you find it insufficiently informative, then the factory instructions are at your service, which we have placed immediately below the text of the publication. Good luck!
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