Instructions for washing machine Indesit IWSB 5085
Having bought a brand new Indesit IWSB 5085 washing machine, do not rush to start using it without reading the instructions. Many self-confident users cause serious harm to equipment by starting to connect and use it independently, which results in unnecessary expenses. Our advice: take your time, study the instructions, and if you are too lazy to read the factory version of this document, here is an abridged version for you.
Installation of the machine
As soon as the movers bring new equipment into your home and the Indesit IWSB 5085 washing machine is at your feet, do not rush to sign the documents and let the guys go on their way. First, right in front of the movers, carefully open the box, trying not to cause much damage to it, check whether all the parts included in the kit are present in the package. Ask movers to help you remove the washing machine from the box and carefully inspect its body. Even if this machine had no defects in the store, they could appear during transportation.
If everything looks normal, sign the document accepting the goods and begin preparing to install the washing machine. First you need to prepare the place. Any place will not work because it has certain requirements.
- There should be enough space to accommodate the washing machine, and there should be nothing in front of the cabinet. We leave a gap of 1 cm between the lid, side walls and surrounding objects, and at least 7 cm between the back wall of the case and the wall.
- There should be a flat and strong floor under the machine, without carpeting and preferably without expensive floor coverings that are afraid of water.
- Near the connection point of the machine there should be a water pipe, there should be a connection point to the sewer or a regular drain. It is also necessary that there be a separate electrical outlet within 1 meter from the machine.
Objects sensitive to vibration should not be placed near the body of the machine.
We unscrew the shipping fasteners, close the resulting holes with plugs and drag the washing machine to the prepared place. First of all, we connect the inlet hose, then the drain hose, and finally we leave the connection to the electrical network, since it is carried out in one movement. About, how to install and connect a washing machine with your own hands, read the article of the same name posted on our website.
Control Panel
A shortened instruction manual for using a washing machine of this brand would not be complete without a description of the control panel of this equipment. Each element of the control panel is important in its own way and if used correctly, the quality of the wash will noticeably improve. We will have to talk about three categories of elements: handles, buttons, indicators.
- Program switch knob, which allows you to turn on 13 main washing programs and 3 subprograms.
- The thermostat knob allows you to keep the water cold or heat it up to 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees.
- Button to turn the machine on and off. Its purpose is clear.
- Program start and pause button.
- Four buttons for additional functions, which are located above the thermostat knob. A button labeled Eco Time allows you to save water and electricity. The button with the dirty t-shirt design is bleaching. Button with a drop pattern - additional rinsing.And finally, a button with a stopwatch design – delay start.
The Indesit IWSB 5085 washing machine may have a slightly different set of buttons than the one described above. In particular, there may be no “extra rinse” button, and instead there will be a spiral with numbers - this is the “reduce spin speed” button.
- 11 indicators displaying a variety of information about the operation of the washing machine.
The left side of the control panel of a washing machine of this brand is occupied by a dispenser or, as it is also called, a detergent dispenser. This is a very important part of the control panel, although it is much simpler than its electronic part. Let's talk about it in more detail.
Where to add detergents?
The powder receptacle of the Indesit IWSB 5085 washing machine is a rectangular drawer, inside of which there are three compartments. To be precise, there are 4 compartments in total, since one of them is removable and has a different purpose than all the others. Let's see which compartment serves what.
So, we pull the compartment towards us and look inside. We pour powder into the leftmost compartment only if we decide to turn on the pre-wash mode (soaking) or a program that includes pre-wash. The middle compartment is used for the main wash, in other words, you will always put powder there. The far right compartment is for rinse aid; feel free to pour conditioner into it. The fourth compartment, as can be seen in the figure, is inserted into the first and is needed if the “whitening” function is activated.
Conditioner is a liquid product for softening and aromatizing laundry, so you need to pour it immediately before washing, otherwise it will drain into the tank.
Starting a washing program
Well, we know where the buttons, handles, indicators are, we know what they are needed for, we have studied the structure of the powder receiver, we can start the first wash, test, so to speak, the washing machine. We carry out the first test without laundry in order to wash out the remaining machine oil, plastic shavings and other possible debris that remained there after assembling the washing machine from the pipes.
- Press the on/off button and wait until all the lights come on and go out, and the LED next to the start/pause button remains blinking. Thus, we will turn on the machine and it will enter the mode of waiting for the user's command.
- Pour the powder into the middle compartment and close it along with the hatch.
- Turn the program selection knob and select mode number 2 (washing at 90 degrees without pre-soaking). This program will allow you to effectively wash the inside of the washer.
- Under normal conditions, we can turn the thermostat knob to adjust the wash temperature, but when washing for the first time without laundry, this is not necessary.
- Press the start/pause button and wait until the wash finishes.
A few words about care
The instructions for the Indesit IWSB 5085 washing machine in Russian tell us not only about the design and operation of the “home assistant”, but also about caring for it. And, indeed, while mercilessly exploiting your washing machine, do not forget to give it at least a little attention, especially since it does not require special care.
After washing the laundry again, leave the hatch and powder receptacle open for 3-4 hours to dry. Use a cloth to wipe the cuff of the hatch, the edges, the inside of the drum and the dispenser. Once every 6-7 washes, remove the powder tray for rinsing. Clean the dust filter once every 6 months and then your Indesit machine will last much longer.
Don’t forget to look at the mesh filter at least once a year, which is located at the entrance to the inlet valve of the washing machine (where we screwed the inlet hose). The filter mesh tends to become clogged with debris.
To summarize, we note that many users do not like to read factory instructions, because they are long, often full of unnecessary information and written in complex language. Moreover, in some cases, the translation of such texts leaves much to be desired. We rewrote the factory instructions, and we have a shortened version that contains all the basic information necessary for every owner of a washing machine. We hope you find it useful. We have attached the factory instructions itself to this publication. Good luck!
14 reader comments
Does this washing machine have a half hour or hour wash cycle? Please write what number should I bet on?
The number is “6”, plus turn on the “Eco Time” button.
For me, on 6 and eco time, washing takes about 1.20 :)
Program 10-15 minutes
Number 10 half hour
So 10 is just a rinse. No washing
How to remove the powder tray?
And on what programs can Eco be used?
It's very difficult to figure it out. The washing time does not show. I would like to set it for 30 minutes, maximum 40 minutes. But there is no such regime. I started washing and rinsing for over three hours. They couldn’t stop it, they couldn’t turn it off. Horror! Can not understand anything.
When you press the eco-time button, should it light green constantly?
How to restore time on an Indesit typewriter? Did a reset, doesn't help. The clock does not show correctly.
Please answer me! I read the comments above, the same question, how to set the washing time, I don’t need three hours. It takes 20-30 minutes, an hour maximum. Please explain in more detail. Thanks in advance.
Good evening! Me too, please tell me what I should press to wash for 30 minutes?
How to make it spin at 800? Where to click?