Instructions for the Bosch Classixx 5 washing machine
The Bosch Classixx 5 washing machine is a simple but reliable appliance with German roots. And although, recently, the quality of these machines has decreased somewhat (perhaps due to Russian assembly), they still pose serious competition to automatic machines of other brands. If you require instructions for using this model of machine, we will provide it. In this publication, we have presented a short version of this document and attached the original instructions to it, all of which you can use for free.
After the purchase
Having delivered the washing machine home, you need to immediately unpack it and check it for defects. You must remember that if anything happens, the seller will take your machine back without any questions within 14 days from the date of purchase. Further problems may arise, despite the fact that the machine is under warranty.
Without delaying the matter, we install the machine in the intended place and remove the shipping elements. The place where you are going to put the machine must be completely ready:
- the base is leveled and strengthened;
- unsuitable floor coverings (carpets, carpet, laminate, etc.) were removed;
- the necessary communications have been provided (socket, sewerage, water supply).
Bosch Classixx 5 is not demanding on additional accessories, but still, in order to reduce vibration noise, you can add special anti-vibration footrests. With them the machine works noticeably quieter.
To ensure that the Bosch Classixx 5 washing machine does not create problems during operation and is less likely to break down, it must be installed strictly level. We allow a difference of no more than 2 degrees, but there is no need to rely on this.
Try to align the body perfectly. To do this, you need to use a building level and alternately twist the legs until the machine is level.
The original instructions describe quite well the process of connecting the “home assistant” to the necessary communication elements, so doing it yourself will not be difficult. However, if you do not have experience working with such equipment, it is better to entrust the connection to professionals.
Learning to operate a washing machine
The operating instructions for the Bosch Classixx 5 washing machine indicate to us the need to study the design of the control panel in order to avoid basic mistakes, not to spoil the laundry and not to break the washing machine. First you need to find out what elements the control panel of the machine consists of.
- Rotary handle for switching programs. Everything is simple here, since this washing machine has only one handle and it is impossible to confuse it with anything else.
- There is a display on which the control elements display various useful information.
- There are five buttons. The second button from the right activates or stops the wash program, and the others serve to turn functions on and off.
- Three-section dispenser. It is needed to add powder, conditioner, bleach and other products.
The Russified control panel of the Bosch Classixx 5 machine is very informative. Much can be understood by reading the inscriptions and signs that the manufacturer left on it.
First start-up and subsequent use
The Bosch Classixx 5 machine does not have an on/off button, so this function is performed by the program switch switch.The neutral position of the toggle switch (risk up) indicates that the machine is turned off. As soon as we start turning the handle clockwise, the machine automatically activates and goes into standby mode. Then we can select the desired program, adjust it using the buttons, and only then press the “start” button. When you first start, the order is as follows.
- Use your hand to select a program.
- Open the dispenser and add powder.
- We do not touch the hatch, since during the first wash you cannot add laundry (you need to rinse the inside of the machine).
- Using the buttons we activate the necessary functions, adjust the temperature and spin speed (if possible).
- We press start and wait for the program to end.
In the future, we will do the same thing, only we will add one more action: putting sorted laundry into the drum. If your kids like to play with the control panel of the car, you can install a child lock. To set the lock, immediately after starting the wash, press and hold the “start” button for 4 seconds.
Taking care of the machine
Some “clean people” tidy up their machine using acid-containing, chlorine-containing cleaning products and even using powders with abrasive particles. In our opinion, no matter how good intentions clean housewives may be guided by, this is pure barbarism, you can’t do that! The machine really needs to be wiped after finishing the washing process, but for this it is enough to take a clean, dry cloth.
If there are traces of dirt on the case that cannot be removed with a regular rag, take a soapy sponge. Walk over the contaminated surface first with it, then with a damp cloth and finally with a dry one.Do not forget to rinse the powder receptacle occasionally, as undissolved powder often remains in it.
In addition, you should clean the garbage filter and machine pipes from debris and lime deposits. The garbage filter can be cleaned manually without resorting to any chemicals or any devices. But the rest of the insides (if you do not disassemble the machine) can be cleaned using special products. In particular, there are detergents for cleaning the washing machine from mold, limescale and other rubbish. You can use them, but be careful and read what is written on the package.
This is approximately what the main provisions of the instructions for the Bosch Classixx 5 washing machine look like. If you require information in expanded form, download the file attached to this publication. Good luck!
8 reader comments
Machine g. The shortest wash is 36 minutes, who cares so much? A welder's robe or what?
Well, yes, it’s a hassle to buy, then install, buy powder, load laundry, then add powder, rinse aid, close the door, set the program, open the door. Oh yes, sometimes you also need to wipe it from dust :) And so in the sink I washed it quickly once or twice, once or twice. This is a huge time saver. And if you don’t take off your socks, and wash in them... and wash and dry them and don’t put them on in the morning :)
I'm already tired of the length of the process for this Classixx 5.
I need to rinse my socks, T-shirt and underpants after work. I wait for 2 hours. I'm falling asleep.
This way you can turn it off when you need it and put it in rinse mode, you don’t have to wait until it’s finished.
My screen displays 0 and some gacches
Buy six socks and six underpants and wash them once a week.
I can't figure out which program is the shortest. I wash everything in 2 hours. Often this is not necessary at all