Instructions for washing machine Ardo A800X
Many people still have washing machines from the Italian brand Ardo. But the instruction manual is lost or exists, but is not written in Russian. Even if it is required, it is quite possible to get by with the electronic version. For example, we offer brief instructions for the Ardo A800X machine.
Machine installation
Before operating the machine, you must remove not only the packaging, but also the 4 safety screws and spacers. Insert plastic plugs into the holes from these screws. Having chosen a place for the machine, set it level by tightening the locknuts on the legs. If the machine is not level, it will cause noise and wear on internal parts.
Important! Install the washing machine only in a room where the air temperature does not fall below 0 degrees.
Before connecting the machine to the water supply, open the tap and drain the dirty water, then just screw on the inlet hose. You only need to connect the equipment to cold water; in this case, you need to insert a filter gasket between the tap and the hose, and the same gasket is placed at the other end of the hose. When washing, the water supply tap is opened completely.
The drain hose is connected to the sewer drain so that the upper drain point is at a height of 60-90 cm from the floor. You can insert the drain hose directly into the sewer pipe, the diameter of which must be at least 40 mm. Secure the hose so that it does not jump out under the pressure of the draining water. If you plan to drain water into the bathroom, secure the hose using the holder included in the kit.
Connecting to electricity requires the presence of a moisture-resistant socket with a 1.5 mm electrical wire. Such an outlet must withstand the maximum load exerted by the machine. For safety reasons, a difavtomat is installed on the electrical panel when the wiring for the washing machine is terminated. In addition, the machine can be connected to the network via Voltage regulator, which will smooth out the jumps.
Remember! Do not turn the equipment on or off with wet or damp hands.
Control panel and tray
The user communicates with the Ardo a800x washing machine through the control panel, which contains buttons and rotary knobs, namely:
- washing temperature control knob;
- spin speed selection knob;
- program selection knob;
- heating switch off button;
- water machine stop button;
- spin switch button;
- button to shorten the wash cycle.
Note that all programs are numbered and their names are displayed on the control panel.
The detergent tray in this machine is divided into three parts. The leftmost compartment is for powder, which is used up during the pre-wash. The next compartment (in the center) is intended for powder, which goes into the main wash. The compartment on the far right is for the air conditioner. Everything seems simple, but there is one BUT: when using liquid powder, you need to insert a special dispenser into the main wash compartment and pour the powder into it.
Starting the wash
Having found out the purpose of all the buttons and where to pour the powder, you can proceed to the first wash, which must be done without laundry and without the spin function. This wash will clean the drum of the machine from dust and debris.To start washing your laundry, you must first sort it, remove difficult stains and put it in the drum according to the load, and then proceed according to the algorithm:
- turn on the water;
- set the program knob to the Stop position, do not forget that the knob can only be rotated clockwise;
- plug in the machine;
- pour the powder into the powder tray;
- select the required program, speed and temperature;
- pull the programmer towards you to start the wash; if the machine has an on button, then you need to press this button;
- wait until the wash is finished;
- open the drum door;
- turn off the power;
- shut off the water supply.
The Ardo washing machine is made in such a way that a person takes as little part in its maintenance as possible, but something still needs to be done, otherwise the equipment may break down. It is necessary to clean the debris filter approximately once every 3-4 months and check and wash the filter mesh, which is placed on the inlet valve, once every six months. After each wash, it is necessary to wipe and ventilate the machine so that moisture does not accumulate in it and mold does not form. That's all the events.
Do not wash the machine with various abrasives or products containing acids and alkalis. Soapy water works best.
After each wash, be sure to leave the hatch and powder tray open. Sometimes the powder receptacle must be completely removed and soaked in hot water so that the dried product completely dissolves and comes off. When it's time to clean the dust filter, do the following:
- Immediately after washing, open the cover, which is located in the lower right corner of the front wall of the washing machine.
- Place a flat container under the filter plug so that part of this container fits under the body of the machine.
- Unscrew the filter plug and drain the remaining water into a substitute container.
- Remove the container and then thoroughly clean the filter.
- Screw the filter plug back in and close the cap. Be sure to check that the filter is screwed on tightly, otherwise the next time you wash, you will flood the room with water.
And in conclusion, we remind you that the manufacturer is not responsible if you are injured or the washing machine breaks down if you violate the safety rules listed in the instructions. Be careful!
7 reader comments
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