Why does the plug in the washing machine get hot?

Why does the plug in the washing machine get hot?If the plug of the washing machine gets hot, then you cannot ignore the problem. Especially if the plastic has melted at the base of the pins. It is necessary to act immediately: turn off the power to the room or machine, remove the plug and conduct diagnostics of electrical communications. The plug just doesn’t heat up - there is a problem with the plug, socket or power cord. Let's figure out what could have broken.

What is heating up and why?

The first step is to find out what exactly is heating up: the plug or the socket. The “culprit” cannot be determined by eye, so you should conduct a quick test: turn on the washing machine to another electrical outlet. If the situation repeats itself and the end of the power cord is hot again, then the problem is in the plug. The washing machine power cord heats up for several reasons:

  • poor contact between the wiring and the contacts of the mechanism (the washing machine plugs are non-separable, so you will have to replace the entire cord or plug);
  • factory defect - a malfunction of an initially low-quality plug may appear over time;
  • oxidation of contacts and, as a result, disruption of current conductivity (stripping of cores due to the non-demountable structure is impossible, so replacement is indicated).factory defect of fork

It’s another matter if it’s not the plastic body of the plug that heats up, but its outer contacts. Then the likely cause lies in the socket - its holes do not fit the plug pins. A loose “girth” disrupts current conductivity, causing the temperature of the elements to rise. Most likely, the receiving “legs” were deformed or were initially out of size.Attempts to straighten and adjust the structure are unsafe; it is better not to risk it and replace the electrical point completely.

Modern washing machines are equipped with non-removable plugs - if they break, you will have to replace the plug or the entire power cord.

When looking for a replacement cord, plug or socket, it is recommended not to skimp. First, choose original spare parts based on the serial number of the washing machine. Secondly, buy products from trusted companies. Otherwise, some time after the replacement, you will have to figure out again what to do when the contacts heat up.

Bad extension cord or adapter

It is strongly not recommended to use extension cords and adapters when operating the washing machine. The machine is a powerful energy consumer, and an indirect connection can lead to poor contact. As a result, the plug and the “intermediary” heat up to the point of ignition and fire. Wiring often becomes hot if the carrier is wound and subject to inductance. Even a high-quality extension cord of suitable power does not guarantee direct connection. If there is no other option, then adapters are used only if constant monitoring is possible. The “coil” must be completely unwound to minimize heating.bad chinese extension cord

The quality of the wiring laid to the washing machine also plays a role. So, it is better to use copper conductors, which are denser and more reliable. Aluminum is ductile, softens over time and “slips” out of the terminals. As a result, the contact is broken and the plug and socket heat up.

To operate the washing machine safely, you need high-quality electrical communications: a protected outlet, a separate RCD, a direct connection. It is also important to respond to problems in a timely manner.If the plug is hot and the problem is not at the point, then don’t hesitate - replace it along with the power cord. The instructions on what to do are simple: remove the back panel of the machine, disconnect the cable, connect a new one and start a test wash.


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