Washing powders for allergy sufferers
Modern laundry detergents are filled with all sorts of chemicals, including phosphates, fragrances, and enzymes, which can cause severe allergies, especially in a small child. And therefore, young mothers, and all housewives, are interested in buying high-quality powder.
Finding a hypoallergenic washing powder is not so easy, because behind a beautiful advertising slogan there may be something completely hidden that is not what you need. Let's look at the features of such powders, and also find out how not to make a mistake in choosing.
What should the composition be?
To understand what powder to look for, let’s look at the composition of hypoallergenic powder. This powder must be natural. Of the natural ingredients, the powder includes: citric acid, soda ash and soap. Allergic symptoms can occur to substances such as:
- dyes;
- phosphates;
- tensides (they are also called surfactants);
- fragrances;
- enzymes;
- optical brightener.
Conclusion: hypoallergenic powder should not contain such agents. But keep in mind that such a powder may be a little worse in its washing properties than usual. Most stains are removed thanks to the presence of these same enzymes and surfactants. An ideal option for small children and allergy sufferers baking soda powder, made with your own hands, but it’s not recommended to put it in the automatic machine.
Allergy symptoms in a person can appear not only during hand washing, that is, direct contact with the powder, but also in the following situations:
- when harmful substances are poorly rinsed from clothes and linen, allergy symptoms appear as a result of contact with the skin of microparticles;
- when you inhale small particles of powder while pouring it into the cuvette of the washing machine;
- if the rules for storing household chemicals are violated, for example, next to food in the kitchen in open packaging.
Important! You cannot increase the dosage of powder per wash cycle; it will not be washed out of the fabric well, which can also lead to allergies.
How does an allergy manifest?
Allergies can be different for different people, for some it may be a mild form, even unnoticeable, for others, on the contrary, it can be severe. The main symptoms of allergies are as follows:
- itching and redness of the skin of the body; in a child, such redness can even be on the face, as well as on the lower back and legs;
- a rash in the form of small blisters, reminiscent of hives; in rare cases, even watery blisters and eczema may appear;
- swelling and peeling;
- if powder particles get into the nose, sneezing, rhinitis, dry cough, and tears may occur;
- even less common are suffocation, severe angioedema, anaphylactic shock; such symptoms are infrequent, but dangerous to human life;
- Harmful substances that enter the body, accumulating, can cause kidney and liver diseases, especially in a small child, whose excretory system is still quite weak.
For your information! In a child, the first symptoms of allergy appear in the form of redness of the buttocks, groin area, and back. Loose stools and bloating may occur. You need to immediately call a doctor, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, eliminate the allergen, that is, the powder.
What to look for when choosing?
So, when choosing a detergent for washing clothes for children and allergy sufferers, you need to be guided by the following rules:
- Read the composition of the powder carefully, make sure that it does not contain phosphates.
- Too many flavorings are not acceptable in the powder; it is better if there are none at all. You will understand this immediately after the first wash.
- Do not neglect the rules for using powder. The dosage should not be exceeded; it is better to pour less rather than more.
- Excessive foaming is an indicator of poor quality powder.
- Don't look at the price, act wisely. Expensive does not mean high quality or hypoallergenic.
In addition, a good powder does not contain sticky granules and dissolves well. Even if the powder is hypoallergenic, as the manufacturer claims, but you doubt it, then increase the number of rinses of the laundry when washing. Dry the laundry well after washing, let it hang in the open air for several days. Ventilate the room more often if you dry clothes in the room.
Keep your child away from packages of powders; store them out of reach to prevent chemicals from entering the growing body.
Top best funds
Frau Helga Super is a powder made in Germany. Suitable for all types of washing, rinses well from fabrics. It does not contain phosphates, and therefore it can be conditionally classified as hypoallergenic. It contains enzymes that prohibit the use of this powder for washing silk or wool.
BON Baby is a phosphate-free washing powder, well suited for machine washing of baby clothes. The powder is concentrated, which reduces its consumption. The presence of surfactants in its composition may be alarming, but there are no more than 5 percent of them. A 450 g pack costs about $3. The powder copes well with various stains on different types of fabric. Country of origin: Czech Republic.
Sodasan Comfort is a German powder intended for both white and colored fabrics.The product is suitable for machine washing of children's clothing and clothes for people with allergies. It contains no phosphates or enzymes. Most of the powder consists of vegetable soap and soda, silicate and citrate are also added to it. According to the manufacturer, a 1200 g package is enough for 20 washes. The ecological composition of the powder did not pass washing tests; it did not wash the main types of stains well. Of the six samples tested, it turned out to be the worst.
Sodasan powder is a product that is safe for humans and the environment, but is ineffective in combating stains
Luxus Professional Kids Sensitiv is another German powder that has become a leader in testing. Not really, but the powder coped well with many stains. At the same time, phosphonates were found in small quantities in its composition, and there are also potential allergens - fragrance and bleaches. Overall, a good powder for washing a small child's clothes.
Frau Schmidt Ocean Baby is a powder from Denmark that does not contain phosphates and fragrances, but with enzymes and surfactants. Unlike previous samples, it has confirmation that it is hypoallergenic and safe. In terms of washing quality, it is practically not inferior to the German Luxus powder, removing most stains from different fabrics.
BioMio Color is a phosphate-free washing powder that can be conditionally called hypoallergenic, since it contains surfactants and enzymes. However, the majority is soap, cotton extract and zeolites. It rinses well out of clothes without getting on the child’s skin, which eliminates allergy symptoms. The powder is produced in Russia.
To summarize, we note that even the most natural powders can cause mild allergy symptoms in a group of people.But this happens much less often than with powders that contain potentially dangerous components. Not all hypoallergenic powders are expensive, most of them are concentrated, they will just cost less. Be careful when purchasing household chemicals, it is your health after all!
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