Homemade washing gel
Modern housewives are increasingly consciously abandoning store-bought detergents and prefer homemade washing gel. The reason is not the monotony and high cost of the former: manufacturers offer a variety of packages and bottles at an affordable price. The fact is that preparing a “homemade” version is easier and cheaper, while the composition is safer and more effective. Interested? Then look at the most popular options.
Super effective gel with soda ash
A gel based on soda, water and soap perfectly removes even the most difficult stains. Despite the “heavy” composition, it carefully cleans the fabric, does not settle in the fibers and is easily washed out, without leaving behind white spots or streaks. Due to this, it is suitable for washing almost any item, regardless of the type and color of the material. The only exceptions will be natural wool and silk.
It is easy to prepare a helium solution:
- prepare 200 g of soap, 200 g of soda ash and about 2.5 liters of clean water (any soap can be used, but it is better to give preference to household or children’s soap);
- find a proportionate container for preparing the gel on the stove (new dishes will not work, since they cannot be used for cooking afterwards);
- grate the soap on a fine grater, pour into a container and add 1.5 liters of water;
- mix the soap solution, put on medium heat and, stirring constantly, heat, but do not bring to a boil;
- as soon as the soap is completely dissolved, you need to add a liter of water and mix thoroughly;
- add baking soda without ceasing to stir: the powder should completely dissolve without the formation of foam;
- remove the homogeneous hot mixture from the burner;
- Cool the gel at room temperature.
Afterwards, the homemade washing gel should “settle” for at least a full day. Then the mixture is poured into pre-prepared containers with a large neck. Ideally, the consistency of the liquid should resemble medium-fat sour cream. If the mass thickens when cooling, then it is necessary to dilute it: add another 200-800 ml of water when reheating.
Gel with borax
You can also prepare a disinfectant at home that will not only remove dirt, but also eliminate mold and unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to “combine” laundry soap and borax. To enhance the effect, add soda, and for a pleasant aroma, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. The detailed recipe looks like this.
- Prepare the ingredients: 5 liters of water, 300 g of soda, 300 g of dry borax and 300 g of soap (laundry, tar or antibacterial).
- Three soaps on a fine grater.
- Pour half a liter of water into the pan, add soap shavings, put on low heat and heat, stirring.
You cannot pour soap into hot water; you must slowly heat the soap solution!
- Add the dry ingredients to the boiled soap, stirring the mixture constantly.
- Pour the remaining 4.5 liters of water into the thick mass in a thin stream.
- Heat the solution to 30-40 degrees.
- Remove from heat and cool.
The finished gel should also steep, for which we remove the pan to a dry place for 24 hours. Afterwards you can pour the liquid into bottles. By the way, the solution, due to borax and low concentration, acts softer, so when washing, add 2-3 tablespoons of the product. There are no restrictions on the type of fabric: they are allowed to regularly wash any items, even those made from the most delicate materials.The main thing is to use only baking soda, as technical soda will make the composition too aggressive.
Gel with acetic acid
With your own hands you can prepare not only washing gel, but also conditioner. Like store-bought mouthwash, the homemade version will provide a pleasant aroma and soft fabric. Moreover, the homemade version will have a natural and safe composition.
Preparing home conditioner is very simple, without heating or cooking. It is enough to fulfill several conditions:
- prepare in advance two glasses (500 ml) of white vinegar, 350 g of baking soda, 500 ml of water, 5-10 drops of any essential oil;
- find a 3-5 liter container, since when mixing the ingredients a lot of foam will be released;
- pour water into a container and dissolve soda in it, adding granules in portions and constantly stirring the solution;
- Pour vinegar into the solution, which has become homogeneous, without ceasing to stir;
When preparing a gel or conditioner at home, you must act strictly according to the recipe - changing the sequence will lead to an incorrect chemical reaction!
- at the end of the “seething” and foaming, add essential oil;
- Shake the solution and pour into containers.
It is recommended to use glass or plastic bottles to store homemade cleaning products. They must be kept in a place protected from the sun and children, dry and warm. The liquid must not be heated or excessively cooled - otherwise the mass will thicken and become less soluble in water.
Pros and cons of homemade remedies
The main advantage of homemade cleaning products is safety. All cleaning compositions contain surfactants, abbreviated as surfactants, which are responsible for removing dirt from the fibers.But their content in store-bought powders and gels is several times higher: aggressive concentrates wash off the protective “film” from hands during hand washing and negatively affect the fabric itself. Phosphates are often found in industrial mixtures - components that are effective against stains and have a harmful effect on humans. All this affects health: allergic reactions occur, skin deteriorates, and immunity decreases.
When preparing gels at home, only ingredients that are tested and safe for human health are used. If the recipe is followed correctly, the risk is reduced to zero, which allows you to obtain a hypoallergenic and gentle composition. Also, do not forget about other advantages of homemade cleaners: low cost, lack of fragrances and availability. Among the “advantages” is the versatility of the product, since it can be used for both white and colored items, both for manual and automatic washing.
Homemade gels are versatile, safe and easy to prepare.
The main drawback lies in the preparation itself. You will have to spend time and effort searching, mixing and cooking ingredients, although most recipes are quite simple. There is also difficulty in some accompanying nuances that need to be taken into account even before using the gel. We are talking about the following points:
- homemade soap gels do not dissolve well in cold water - they should be heated to at least 40 degrees;
- soda ash is effective in removing stains of any complexity, but with regular use it discolors the product (baking soda is safer, but cleans a little worse);
- homemade solutions do not remove greasy, coffee and old stains well (pre-soaking with a stain remover is necessary).
Any housewife can prepare gel for a washing machine with her own hands, and its final cost cannot be compared with store-bought products. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe, correctly calculate the dosage and ensure high-quality storage.
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