Where are the transport bolts located on the Beko washing machine?
New users do not always know how to properly prepare a washing machine for use. It is important not only to install the equipment correctly and connect it to all communications, but also to remove the shipping bolts installed by the manufacturer for the safe transportation of household appliances. Usually this procedure is carried out only once, so not every housewife knows where the indicated transportation bolts are located and what needs to be done with them. We will tell you in detail about this important part of installing the washing machine.
Location of fasteners
The new Beko washing machine is no different from other brands, at least when it comes to transport bolts. They are easy to find if you know where to look.
- If you have a front-loading machine, the bolts will be installed on the rear panel of the washing machine.
- If you purchased equipment with a vertical loading type, then the bolts can be either at the back or on the top panel of the SM.
It is better to carefully study the user manual before starting to work with a complex Beko washing machine - this will allow you to avoid common mistakes and carry out installation correctly.
If it so happens that you do not have official instructions, then you just need to carefully inspect the body of the unit. Frequently, shipping bolts are installed along the edges of the back panel. If this is not your first washing machine with a front-loading type of laundry, then just pay attention to the place where the bolts were on your previous “home assistant”, since the location of the bolts is usually the same.
What purpose do they serve?
We have sorted out the question of where to look for transportation bolts; all that remains is to study the purpose of these elements. Their purpose is due to the fact that, unlike a washing machine, any other household appliance is relatively easy to transport, because it can be generously packed in cardboard, foam, paper and other softening materials to ensure that the product is not damaged during delivery.
But if we are talking about a Beko washing machine, then due to the structure of the device, the internal components can be seriously damaged during transportation, for example, the tank and drum, which are always suspended and almost not secured. This device helps reduce vibration during washing and spinning, but leaves the “home assistant” relatively defenseless during transportation.
To prevent the drum from hitting the body of the machine during delivery, damaging the internal elements of the washing machine, it is secured with shipping bolts, locking it in a stationary position. Thus, the drum and the entire Beko washing machine can withstand any road, regardless of its quality.
At the same time, the bolts themselves in Beko technology do not differ from the transport bolts of washing machines of other brands. They look like an elongated screw with a spiral metal rod, the tip of which is a polymer pad separated from the rod by a rubber insert.
What if you don't touch the bolts?
Under no circumstances should any model of Beko washing machine be used with the transport bolts still in place. This is due to the fact that after starting the wash, the electric motor of the device will rapidly begin to gain speed in an attempt to spin the drum, but will encounter the fact that the tank is securely fixed in a stationary position. As a result of such excessive force, the machine can simultaneously damage the drum, shaft, bearings and all key components installed nearby. Therefore, the longer the operating cycle continues in this state, the more nodes will have time to fail.
Today, almost every family has an automatic washing machine, which is why users are so confident in their abilities when installing it themselves. But it’s one thing to do the installation yourself without the help of a specialist, and quite another to ignore the instructions, which indicate “in black and white” the need to remove the transportation bolts. If suddenly the user did not know about them, or simply forgot to remove them, then the equipment will report this with various “symptoms”.
- Increased level of vibration, uncharacteristic of a washing machine.
- The machine will bounce rapidly during operation, even more actively than during spinning at maximum drum speeds per minute.
- Washing will be accompanied by sharp unpleasant sounds, atypical for the working cycle.
Be sure to stop the machine if you suddenly realize that you did not remove the bolts before starting the wash. To do this, you need to urgently press the stop button and unplug the power cord from the network. Next, you will have to call a service center specialist so that he can carry out a full diagnosis and anticipate the extent of damage to the device.
Using a Beko washing machine with shipping bolts will void the warranty, so you will have to pay for the repair yourself.
In rare cases, users are lucky, so repairs are limited to replacing shock absorbers. However, if the “home assistant” was stopped a long time after the start of work, then you should prepare for either expensive repairs or the purchase of a new washing machine. This is why it is so important not to forget about the transit bolts!
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