Where is the surge protector in the washing machine?
All automatic washing machines are equipped with a surge protector. The device blocks surge voltage in the network, thereby protecting equipment from breakdown. If the noise suppression element fails, the washing machine will not turn on.
Users need to know where the surge protector is located. Understanding the location of the element, if necessary, it will be possible to diagnose it. We'll tell you where to look for an interference suppression device, how to check and restore it.
Where is this part attached?
So where is this little detail “hidden” in washing machines? Most washing machines have a noise filter located at the base of the power cord. Finding it is very simple - just remove the top panel of the SMA and find the place where the power cable enters the case.
A surge protector is a small plastic part with a circuit board inside. The shape of the spare part can be different - from a “barrel” to a “box”. Finding the device in this case will not be difficult.
For some washing machines, the role of a surge protector is performed by a separate semiconductor on the control board. In this case, it is better to entrust the diagnosis and repair of the interference suppression device to specialists. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand the elements on the SMA electronic module.
Why are such filters installed in washing machines?
An interference suppression device is provided in every washing machine. The filter protects the SMA - it neutralizes all frequencies above and below 50 Hz. This prevents power surges from damaging the equipment.
When the interference filter detects a critical voltage reading, it will immediately turn off the washing machine.The cycle will be interrupted at any stage. If the detected failure was short and minor, this will only lead to wastage of the FPS capacitors. If the surge is strong enough, the protective device will burn out.
The noise filter performs an important function. Without it, the slightest fluctuation in the power supply could damage the control module, motor, or drain pump. Asynchronous motors most often suffer from voltage surges - they stop working, meanwhile the current continues to flow to the stator winding, which ends with the motor burning out.
The noise suppression filter detects and dampens power surges in the network, protecting the automatic machine from damage.
The FPS also serves to protect other devices. Switching washing stages, starting the engine - everything is accompanied by a change in the direct current in the network. If it were not for the interference filter, this would threaten to damage all household appliances connected to the “branch”.
The surge filter catches all fluctuations, equalizes them and removes excess current. The noise suppression device is designed for a long service life and is rarely damaged. The main reasons for FPS failure can be considered:
reduction in capacitor capacity;
“breaking through” a part with a very strong voltage surge;
abrupt shutdown of the washing machine (this happens when the wire is pulled out of the socket while the machine is operating).
The noise suppression device cannot be repaired - the network filter is replaced entirely.
Before drawing conclusions about a faulty FPS and buying a new device, you should check the part. How to diagnose a network filter? What “symptoms” indicate a broken element?
How can you tell if a part is broken?
Modern automatic machines have good protection from external factors, so many washing machines simply will not turn on if the interference filter is broken. Intelligence will be cut off as soon as the FPS burns out. After this, the SMA will stop responding to any user requests.
Until the burnt-out surge protector is replaced, the washing machine will continue to be silent. Therefore, if the “home assistant” does not turn on, the FPS is often to blame. First, of course, you need to check the power cord, its plug, the outlet itself, and whether there is light in the house, and then start diagnosing the noise suppression device.
Typically, filter failure is accompanied by the following phenomena:
the body of the washing machine is electrocuted;
there is a burning smell, the insulation on the power cord is melting;
Although the washing machine turns on, it works with numerous malfunctions (suddenly it “turns off” or changes the washing program).
To diagnose the interference filter you will need:
The algorithm of actions will be as follows:
Turn off the power to the washing machine (be sure to ensure that the power cord is unplugged from the outlet);
close the shut-off valve on the water pipe;
Unscrew the screws holding the cover of the SMA housing, remove the panel;
find the location where the power cord is connected to the machine;
find the noise suppression filter - it will be located inside the case, at the end of the cable.
Next you need to ring the filter. The multimeter is switched on to the resistance measurement mode, the tester probes are alternately leaned against all terminals of the device, in pairs. The detected value is compared with the standard value - 680 kOhm.
Then you need to measure the resistance on the plug. It should also be about 680 kOhm.If the indicator deviates significantly from the norm, we can conclude that the interference filter is faulty.
Be sure to check the capacitors. This is a difficult task - the compound present on them will interfere with diagnosis. However, you need to try - you should lean the tester probes against different terminals and evaluate the readings. The norm is approximately 0.47 µF.
When the failure of the washing machine filter is obvious, replacement will be required. There is nothing complicated about this - buy a new spare part and put it in place of the burnt one. The wires are connected according to the same scheme.
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