Where is the filter in a top loading washing machine?

Where is the filter in a top loading washing machine?On the vast majority of front-facing washing machines, the drain filter is located in one place - the lower right corner behind the decorative panel or technical hatch. However, on top-loading machines, the “trash bin” can be hidden in very unexpected places. We will tell you where to look for the element for the owners of “verticals”.

Where is the filter “hidden”?

The filter in a top-loading washing machine can be located in different places. It all depends on the brand and model of the machine. It is better to look at the instructions for the equipment - it describes the device of the washing machine and shows a diagram of the location of the main internal components.

Many vertical washing machines have a garbage filter built into the drum.

Removing the drain filter from the “vertical” is much easier than removing it from the standard “front”. You just need to turn off the power to the machine, lift the top cover, and open the drum doors. There is a hatch at the bottom of the centrifuge, it looks like this:location of the hatch in the drum

The plastic hatch opens very simply - just pull the “tab” with your hand, without using force. A mesh will be found inside; it is this that acts as a “collector” of garbage. Remove the element and rinse in warm water. If there is plaque on the walls, it can be cleaned off with a regular toothbrush.

Also, do not forget about cleaning the “seat”. Be sure to remove any existing debris from the hole. If the system has not been cleaned for a year or more, you may find a whole lump of dirt inside. Wipe the area with a damp cloth and install the updated filter back.

On some automatic machines with a vertical loading type, for example, Siemens models, the drain filter should be looked for not in the drum, but in the lower left corner of the housing. The “trash bin” is camouflaged with the usual decorative panel or service hatch. In this case, you will have to unscrew the “plug” of the element from the washer.

The algorithm of actions will be the same as when cleaning the front camera filter. Necessary:

  • de-energize the automatic machine;
  • turn off the water supply tap;
  • place a container under the body of the washing machine, cover the floor around the machine with dry rags;
  • open the hatch or remove the false panel;
  • unscrew the “trash can”;
  • rinse it in warm water, clean the seat from dirt;
  • Screw the filter back in.

Afterwards, be sure to run a test wash. If you place the filter unevenly, the machine will begin to leak. Therefore, be sure to observe the operation of the machine.

How often should the filter be cleaned?

In order for the drain filter to perform its assigned task, it must be cleaned in a timely manner. Otherwise, the normal operation of the automatic machine will be disrupted. The water will begin to leave the tank too slowly.

A clogged filter element makes it difficult to drain water into the sewer and can cause damage to the drain pump.

Therefore, it is important not to forget to maintain the “trash bin”. Experts recommend cleaning the drain filter once every 2-3 months. The frequency of the procedure largely depends on how often you use the machine and what fabrics you wash. The garbage filter clogs faster if there are pets in the apartment. Animal hair is present on the clothes of household members and ends up in the tank of the machine, and then settles on the parts. In this case, cleaning should be carried out at least once a the garbage filter

To prevent clogging of the drain system, do not forget to shake out clothes before placing them in the drum. It is better to soak heavily soiled laundry in a basin first, and only then load it into the washing machine. Be sure to check the pockets - items left in them can end up in the trash can and disrupt the operation of the machine.

Don't neglect cleaning

If you do not clean the drain filter, it will lead to certain problems. A clogged trash can may be due to:

  • an unpleasant odor will begin to emanate from the machine and washed clothes. Dirt and debris accumulated in the filter are an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. This “lump” will sour in the washing machine for months, emitting a foul aroma;
  • Water will go down the drain with difficulty. A clog in the filter will prevent normal drainage. The element may become so clogged that the waste liquid stops flowing out of the tank altogether;keep the filter clean
  • the pump will fail. If the filter is clogged, the pump will have to pump out water with great effort. Due to increased loads, the element will simply burn out.

To prevent the described situations, you should not forget to clean the drain filter. This is a very quick procedure, taking only 10-15 minutes. By following the rules for caring for your automatic machine, you will extend its maintenance-free operation.


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