Fuzzy logic function in a washing machine
Technologies and developments in the field of household appliances constantly surprise us with something. Engineers come up with all sorts of innovations in order to attract the buyer's attention to their creation. Once upon a time, the very appearance of an automatic washing machine seemed like a miracle, because what could be simpler - put in laundry and powder, press a button, and in an hour you can take out clean clothes, and at that time you can cook dinner or lie down on the sofa.
But progress does not stop there; machines are constantly being equipped with new functions, for example, fuzzy logic, eco bubble, stream wash, drying and others. Sometimes it is very difficult to keep up with technology and understand it. That is why we decided to talk about such a function in the washing machine as fuzzy logic.
How the function works
The phrase fuzzy logic translated from English means “fuzzy logic”; this term appeared in 1965 and had nothing to do with the modern washing machine.
This phrase does not fully reflect the purpose of the function itself; it is just a beautiful name, according to manufacturers. So, what does this function do, how is it implemented?
A washing machine with this function has a built-in mass of sensors that determine the weight of the laundry, the degree of soiling, water hardness, and others. All these sensors send a signal to the microprocessor, which, based on the data received, determines the washing time, amount of water and mode.
For example, a built-in optical sensor with an infrared beam determines the degree of soiling of the laundry; the clearer the water, the cleaner the laundry. In addition, the nature of the pollution is determined by the rate of saturation of water with dirty particles. This is based on the fat content of the contamination.The faster saturation occurs, the more greasy dirt there is on clothes. After information about this enters the microprocessor of the washing machine, the washing time is calculated.
This can be expressed verbally like this: “If the dirt is strong and greasy, then washing takes a long time.” The dependence of washing time on the degree of contamination and fat content can be presented in the form of a table.
In this table, very short washing time means 8 minutes, short time - 12 minutes, medium time - 20 minutes, long - 40 minutes, very long - 60 minutes.
In modern models of automatic washing machines, in addition to determining the time, the fuzzy logic function determines water consumption, powder consumption and spin speed. In this case, the input parameters for calculating the washing mode can be the type of laundry, water hardness, etc. Thus, a program is obtained in which there are several input and output parameters. When combined, the number of possible washing modes amounts to hundreds. This is the main difference between a machine with the fuzzy logic function and a regular automatic washing machine.
The principle of operation can be visualized as follows.
Advantages and disadvantages
Based on the principle of operation of this function, we can identify the following advantages of washing in a machine with fuzzy logic.
- Reducing washing time by determining the degree of contamination.
- Reducing water consumption by weighing laundry.
- Reduced energy consumption by reducing the volume of water that needs to be heated.
- Automation of the washing process. With this function, there is no need to set spin speed, temperature and other parameters manually.
For your information! You will have to pay a lot for fuzzy logic technology, because machines equipped with this function are more expensive than usual.
The disadvantages of this function can be discussed judging by consumer reviews, because marketers can only praise their product. But does the machine actually perform its stated job one hundred percent? Here's what people are saying:
- the presence of complex electronics can reduce the durability of equipment;
- It is possible to automatically adjust the program during washing, which affects the accuracy of the program end time.
In general, consumers who use a washing machine with a smart function note the positive aspects, there are more of them than the negative ones. Technology connoisseurs say that the fuzzy logic function is real electronic control of the washing process. Some compare machines without this function to refrigerators without a self-defrosting function (no frost). In general, how many people - so many opinions. Whether you use advanced technology or not is up to you.
Brief overview of machines with fuzzy logic function
The fuzzy logic function is available in washing machines of different brands, let’s look at some of them.
- LG F1281TD is a washing machine with a drum capacity of up to 8 kg of clothes and has 14 programs.
Energy consumption and washing classes are the highest. Among the unusual modes, we can note the silent washing mode. In addition to the fuzzy logic function, there is built-in protection against children and against water leaks. Cost from 27 thousand rubles.
- BOSCH WLG20265OE is a narrow washing machine with a drum capacity of up to 5 kg. Among the unusual programs, we note the following modes: outerwear, shirts, night cycle.In addition, it is possible to add laundry to the drum during washing, there is built-in leakage protection and a child lock. Cost from 23 thousand rubles.
- ASKO W6884ECO W is a full-sized Slovenian-made washing machine with a drum capacity of up to 8 kg. When spinning, it can accelerate to 1800 rpm. Of the 12 programs, the “White Linen” program deserves special attention.. Has all levels of protection and automatic laundry weighing. Cost from 95 thousand rubles.
- ELECTROLUX EWT1366HDW – washing machine with vertical loading of laundry up to 6 kg. It has 7 washing programs, built-in protection against leaks and against children. Maximum spin speed 1300. Cost from 42 thousand rubles.
- Samsung WF1802XEC is a full-size washing machine that features Eco Bubble technology and a fuzzy logic function. The drum capacity is 8 kg, the number of programs is 9. In addition, attention is drawn to the Eco Drum Clean function, which makes it possible to refresh laundry from an unpleasant odor without washing in water. Cost from 33 thousand rubles.
So, washing machines with the fuzzy logic function are available among machines in the low, medium and high price categories. But this gives reason to wonder how well this function is implemented in a mid-price washing machine. Indeed, in most of these machines there is no auto-weighing, which greatly influences the determination of the washing mode, amount of water, etc. Be careful when purchasing such an automatic machine, study all the characteristics of the equipment in detail, maybe fuzzy logic is just a marketing ploy...
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