What is added to the washing machine besides powder?
Users often believe that the only household chemicals needed to properly process clothes in the washing machine are powder. Unfortunately, this is not the case, because detergent manufacturers rarely include all the necessary components in the powder at once. Therefore, in addition to the powder, conditioner is added to the washing machine so that the clothes acquire a pleasant smell and also become soft and pleasant to the touch. Also, other household chemicals are often added to the “home helper”, which we will discuss in this article.
Refined salt
First of all, we note purified salt, which SM users sometimes add along with washing powder so that clothes retain their color and do not fade. To do this, you need to add five tablespoons of salt for every tablespoon of powder.
Technical salt, designed specifically for dishwashers, is best suited for this role. It is better not to use ordinary table salt, as it contains impurities that can ruin things.
To save your family budget, you can buy tableted pool salt, sold in large packages, and then grind several tablets for one working cycle.
The product can be added to the powder receptacle along with detergent, or it can be poured directly into the drum onto dirty laundry. The salt will make your clothes look fresher, plus the salt will help you rinse the laundry detergent out of your clothes better. If you add salt to the washing cycle, be sure to activate the extra rinse mode, which is necessary to rinse the salt from the fabric.
Sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda will help you cope with all heavy stains and unpleasant odors on clothes. It also works as a bleach, helping to restore the natural whiteness of shirts, sheets and other crisp white items.
It is enough to add two tablespoons of soda to the washing powder and set an additional rinse cycle to thoroughly clean your clothes. You cannot skip the rinsing step, otherwise white streaks will remain on your clothes.
When things are extremely dirty, you can add five tablespoons of soda at once instead of two along with the washing powder.
Due to the fact that soda effectively eliminates unpleasant odors, it can also be added to the machine to prevent a musty smell from appearing on things due to scale, as well as due to sediment from soap solution. The higher the water temperature during the operating cycle, the more efficiently the soda will work.
Acetylsalicylic acid
This point often surprises users of automatic “home assistants,” but aspirin can be used as an effective cleanser and whitening agent. To do this, you can crush six or seven tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and add them to washing powder, or directly to clothes in the SM drum, and then run a standard washing program at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius and with a duration of at least 60 minutes. This amount of product is only necessary in a situation where the user needs to get rid of severe dirt.
If the housewife just needs to whiten the laundry, but does not need to remove stubborn dirt or old stains, then only two or three tablets along with the washing powder will be enough. In this case, the duty cycle is one that is suitable for the loaded clothes.
Acetic acid
Ordinary acetic acid can also be used against stains and as a bleach and conditioner. To do this, you need to purchase nine percent vinegar in the store, but not higher.
It is very simple to use for washing - pour 200 milliliters of acid into the powder receptacle. In this case, you can add only 100 milliliters of vinegar to the conditioner compartment, which will effectively refresh your clothes and rid them of foreign odors.
After a cycle with vinegar, the laundry will temporarily have a sour smell, but it will disappear completely after drying. Additionally, it is worth noting that acetic acid can be used instead of conditioner, as it perfectly softens laundry during rinsing. Finally, this product perfectly removes fungi and harmful bacteria, providing high-quality disinfection of clothes.
Lemon and oil
Regular citric acid works well to remove yellow stains from cotton and linen items. To do this, just add just one teaspoon of acid to the washing powder, and then start the normal work cycle. Instead of citric acid, it is permissible to use ordinary lemon juice, which can be squeezed from several fruits into the powder receptacle and bleach compartment, if your “home assistant” model has one.
Aromatic essential oils are also good for washing machines. It is worth adding only six to eight drops per wash so that things have a pleasant smell after the cycle. It is best to mix the oil with sea salt, and then add a spoonful of aromatic salt to the washing powder.
Do not use coloring oils for washing, as they can stain things - buy only transparent oils for SM.
These are not all additional products that help improve washing and replace specialized household chemicals, but these are the most common methods of increasing the efficiency of the SM operating cycle. Don't forget to take precautions when adding these ingredients to your laundry detergent, plus be sure to soak your laundry before washing it in the machine to always get perfectly clean clothes.
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