Why do you need a surge protector in a washing machine?
Modern washing machines are extremely sensitive to power fluctuations. A sharp jump or drop in voltage per second damages the control board or motor - one or more microelements burn out. The surge protector, or FPS for short, is designed to prevent a “chain reaction.” A surge filter is needed to suppress pulse and high-frequency interference that appears in the electrical network. Let's figure out what principle the “fuse” works on and how to check its serviceability.
What purpose does it serve?
The surge protector acts as a protector for the washing machine - it suppresses any frequencies other than 50 Hertz, preventing interference from harming the machine.. Having detected a critical voltage level, the FPS immediately turns off the equipment, ending the running cycle. If the observed failure was short and not severe, then the charge of the capacitors will be consumed; if the increase or decrease is too sharp, the element will burn out.
It is strongly not recommended to turn on the washing machine without a surge protector. The slightest voltage fluctuation can damage the control board, motor or other key component of the machine. An asynchronous motor often suffers from interference: it stops rotating, but current continues to flow to the winding, which ends in irreversible combustion of the motor.
The surge protector is able to capture and smooth out voltage surges in the electrical network, protecting the washing machine from current leakage.
A surge filter is also used for external protection. Switching programs, starting and stopping the washing machine motor change the direct currents in the electrical network, which threatens to damage other devices and equipment connected to the line.The FPS records fluctuations, equalizes the indicators and “dumps” the excess to grounding. The filter is designed for a long service life and rarely breaks. The fuse fails in the following situations:
capacitor capacity decreases;
the element is “broken” by a strong voltage surge;
The FPS burns out due to a sudden power outage (when the user pulls the cord out of the outlet).
The interference filter cannot be repaired - only replaced entirely. But first you need to check the FPS for functionality. You can do this on your own.
How to test FPS?
Modern washing machines are well protected from external “interference”, so most of them will not start without a working interference filter. As soon as the fuse burns out, the system immediately turns off the machine without responding to further user commands. Until the part is replaced, the equipment will remain “silent”. If the washing machine does not turn on, then the interference filter is often to blame. Therefore, after checking the power cord and its plug, you should pay attention to the capacitor. Also, failure of the FPS is often accompanied by the following symptoms:
the body of the machine is electrocuted;
there is a smell of burning, melted insulation;
The washing machine malfunctions (suddenly turns off or changes modes during washing).
If you suspect problems with the interference filter, you need to begin diagnostics. To check, you will need a multimeter, a slotted and Phillips screwdriver. First you need to get to the details:
de-energize the machine by turning off the power and unplugging the cord from the outlet;
cut off the washing machine from the water supply by turning on the water supply tap;
remove the top cover by loosening the retaining bolts on the rear wall;
find the place where the power cord is connected to the machine body;
find a black or white flask-shaped part on the cable - an interference filter.
The next step is dialing. Turn the multimeter into ohmmeter mode and begin measurements. First of all, we attach probes to all contacts in pairs and compare the resulting value with the norm of 680 kOhm. Next, the input resistance on the plug is measured, which should be within 680 kOhm. If the deviations are significant, the readings are too high or tend to zero, then there is no doubt - the filter is burnt out and needs to be replaced.
You also need to check the condition of the capacitors. This is difficult to do, since the compound present on them will interfere with measurements. But you can try: attach the multimeter probes to different inputs and evaluate the result. The norm is about 0.47 µF. Is the resulting value different? Then we begin the repair. Replacing the FPS is easy: unhook the old one and connect the new one. The main thing is to first photograph the location of the wires and remember safety precautions.
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