How to clean a washing machine with vinegar and soda?
Constant contact of the washing machine with water and powder does not make it clean; on the contrary, impurities contained in the water supply and soap deposits from granules contaminate the parts, causing the appearance of scale and mold. Manufacturers suggest not accumulating dirt in the machine, but regularly removing it with special cleaning agents. But thrifty and experienced housewives have found a cheaper and no less effective option - cleaning the washing machine with vinegar and soda. All that remains is to figure out how to use them correctly for brilliant results.
Use vinegar separately
Vinegar is a great alternative to expensive store-bought cleaners. It eats away lime deposits, kills bacteria and eliminates unpleasant odors. It is not for nothing that acetic acid is used for sanitizing premises and for removing old grease stains.
Vinegar is also often used to clean washing machines. Unlike other folk and store remedies, it has the following advantages:
affordable cost;
disinfection properties;
effective removal of mold and scale (deposits are dissolved to the smallest particles, rather than breaking off in pieces, which makes it easier to remove plaque from the machine);
safety (subject to proper use).
As for the disadvantages of vinegar cleaning, there are two of them: a pungent odor of acid and the risk of damaging the rubber elements of the washer. But both “minuses” can be circumvented if you calculate the dosage and thoroughly rinse the machine after the procedure.
Acetic acid has disinfecting properties, kills bacteria, mold and corrodes scale.
In order for the acid to help remove scale safely and effectively, you must act strictly according to the instructions.
Empty the drum - the wash should be “idle”.
Wear rubber gloves and open the door for ventilation.
Buy 9-10% vinegar or dilute 70% vinegar to the desired concentration (you need to mix acid and water in a ratio of 1 to 7).
Pour the vinegar solution into the powder receptacle (the dosage depends on the capacity of the drum, usually 125-250 ml).
Turn on high temperature and long mode (usually “Cotton”, “Children’s” or “Intensive”).
Turn off spin and rinse.
Start the wash, wait 10-20 minutes until the water in the tank heats up and pause (if there is no such function, then you need to disconnect the machine from the power supply).
Leave the machine for 1.5-2 hours.
After 1.5-2 hours, continue the cycle until completion.
That's not all. Now you should re-dilute the vinegar with water, soak a sponge in the resulting solution and clean the surface of the drum and the cuff with it. Afterwards the machine is closed and sent for rinsing or quick washing. Then we unscrew the garbage filter and rinse it from accumulated dirt. At the “finish”, wipe the body and tank dry with a rag, open the hatch with the powder receptacle and let the washer dry naturally.
Use baking soda and vinegar without mixing
If the washing machine has not been descaled for a long time, then it is better to use a “combo” - add vinegar and soda to the machine at the same time. Sodium bicarbonate will enhance the effect of vinegar essence, accelerating the dissolution of deposits and the destruction of fungus. For the procedure, 500 ml of table acid and 2 heaped teaspoons of baking soda are enough.
There is no need to mix both products: soda is diluted with water and added to the tray, and vinegar is poured directly into the drum. Then the hatch closes and the longest and highest temperature mode is turned on. There is no need to pause the program and wait another 90 minutes - one cycle is enough for complete cleaning.
To finish the “cleaning”, start the rinse, unscrew the garbage filter and clean it of any existing debris. At the end, wipe the drum, cuff and door with a dry cloth, leaving the machine open for ventilation.
Soda against mold
If there is mold in the washing machine, you can eliminate it with baking soda. As a rule, fungus accumulates in the hatch cuff, especially if the machine is not regularly cleaned and remains wet for a long time. Therefore, experts recommend wiping the elastic band dry after each wash and leaving the door open for free air conditioning. Otherwise, bacteria will grow and a thorough cleaning will be required.
It is not difficult to deal with fungus at home. If you don’t want to do a full cleaning with vinegar, you can act locally - treat the moldy areas with soda. We dilute the powder with water in a 1:1 ratio, moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and wash the cuff, drum and body. Be sure to push back the edges of the elastic and go through all the folds and creases. For hard-to-reach areas, use a toothbrush.
Do not stretch the hatch cuff too much - it may tear.
It is important to act carefully so as not to damage the rubber. It is also worth remembering personal safety and wearing gloves. Don't forget about the final rinse.
Cleaning the powder receptacle
The detergent tray also needs regular cleaning.It is recommended to clean it after each wash, since undissolved powder granules and unwashed gel harden, become covered with rust and a dirty coating. All this not only spoils the appearance of the machine, but also threatens to clog the pipes and deteriorate the quality of the wash. To return the dispensary to cleanliness, you will have to try.
The first step is to remove the tray from the housing. It is better to act according to the factory instructions, since each model may have special mechanisms and latches. If the manual is not at hand, then we “punch” the serial number of the machine on the Internet - it will not be difficult to find an electronic copy. As a last resort, we focus on the brand: the powder receptacle on Bosch, Beko and Samsung has a special button in the compartment for liquid products, but on Indesit and Ariston you just need to pull the hopper towards you.
You need to clean not only the “insides” of the machine, but also the tray, cuff and body.
Further actions depend on the degree of contamination of the tray. More often than not, it is enough to wash the part with soap and warm water, sometimes additionally using a brush to remove adhering powder. If there is a lot of sediment and dirt, then you need to soak the hopper in a vinegar solution for at least 24 hours. There is also a faster option - to extinguish the soda with vinegar and apply the resulting slurry to the walls of the dispensary. Then we wait 2 hours, rub with stiff bristles and rinse under the tap.
Let's wipe down the body of the machine
Having taken care of the “insides” of the machine, we must not forget about its external parts. We are talking about the top cover of the machine, the dashboard, the glass of the hatch and the walls of the case, which inevitably become dirty and turn yellow. One damp cloth will not wash away all the residue that has adhered to the washer - adhered powder particles, room dust and rinse aid drips. Especially if the equipment is in the kitchen and gets dirty with grease and soot.
To remove all plaque and return the body to its original color, just turn to vinegar and soda again. We wet the sponge in diluted products and carefully go over the affected areas. The main thing is to wring out the cloth well, leaving it slightly damp so that moisture does not get inside the machine and damage the electronics.
Vinegar and soda are the most accessible and cheapest cleaners that can cope with scale and mold in the washing machine. You just need to calculate the dosage and start cleaning.
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