How to clean the drain pump filter on an Electrolux washing machine?
Every housewife knows that it is necessary to periodically clean the components of the washing machine from scale, debris, and detergent residues. Timely maintenance will allow the machine to remain “in service” longer and increase its repair-free service life. One of these elements is a garbage filter. Fabric lint, dirt, hair, threads and other debris accumulate in it. Let's look at how to clean the drain pump filter on an Electrolux washing machine. Is it possible to perform the procedure yourself without resorting to the help of a specialist?
Cleaning instructions
The garbage filter on any automatic washing machine is located near the pump. This is necessarily the area at the bottom of the body, both on frontal and vertical washers, usually diagonally from the powder receptacle. In the lower right corner of the machine you can see a special hatch or removable panel, behind which the drain pump filter is hidden. It is very easy to access and clean.
Find a dry cloth that absorbs moisture well. If it is possible to slightly raise the body of the unit, prepare a low basin to collect the water that will begin to pour out when unscrewing the filter. A container with a volume of approximately 0.5-1 liter is sufficient.
Turn off the power to the washing equipment.
Close the shut-off valve.
Decide on the location of the drain filter in your Electrolux washing machine. Open the hatch or remove the special panel hiding the element. If the latches do not allow easy access to the filter, use a thin screwdriver or knife. Be careful not to damage the plastic.
Cover the floor under the filter element with a previously prepared rag, or place a basin under the housing. Many SMA models are equipped with an emergency hose designed to remove water from the system. The tube is located there and is closed with a stopper. You should pull out the hose, open it and drain the liquid into a container. After the water has drained, the tube is closed and placed in its original place. When you unscrew the garbage filter, a little more liquid will flow out, so you shouldn’t remove the rag from under the washer.
Remove the drain filter. Do not pull the part out immediately, turn it a quarter and let the water drain. So, gradually, the element is removed from the machine. By the way, on some Electrolux models there is a special plug in front of the filter. Then first you need to unscrew it, wait until all the water flows out, and only then remove the assembly.
Clean the removed part. First, remove large debris, then wipe away any dirt deposits using a regular kitchen sponge with an abrasive layer. Next, rinse the filter element under the pressure of warm water (too hot water can deform its surface). Detergents should not be used; the aggressive components they contain can damage the plastic and rubber seal of the filter.
Inspect the hole created by removing the drain filter. Remove debris from the cavity and wipe areas that you can reach with a damp cloth. Shine a flashlight inside the pump. If there is debris wrapped around the impeller, be sure to remove it. Using a long thin rod, check how the impeller rotates. It should rotate freely, if the blades get stuck, most likely there is still a blockage in the pump.
Replace the washed debris filter.Check that the assembly fits evenly into place. Carefully tighten the plug. Do not overdo it, otherwise it will be easy to break the thread of the element.
After cleaning the filter, be sure to test the operation of the washing machine.
Open the water supply tap and plug in the washing machine. Select the shortest cycle, for example – “Rinse”, and start the machine. At this stage, the main thing is to make sure that no leaks appear near the garbage filter. If there are drops or streams of water, you will have to work a little more with the equipment. If cleaning the filter was successful, you can replace the decorative panel or close the hatch. The washing machine is completely ready for further use.
"Incidental" problems
The process of removing and reinstalling the drain pump filter does not always go smoothly. Most often, problems arise when the SMA has not been cleaned for a long time. We will analyze possible difficulties and tell you how to cope with them.
The first problem is that the filter is stuck in the housing, or has been unscrewed but cannot be pulled out of the washing machine. This indicates that the thread of the element is covered with a thick layer of scale, or a foreign object is stuck across the part, for example, a coin, pin, button, cufflink, etc. First, try to unscrew the assembly with pliers, but do not overdo it, otherwise you may break the plastic.
If the tool does not help, there is only one option left - cleaning the filter through the drain pump. The scope of work will be wider - you will have to lay the machine on its side, remove the bottom, disconnect the wiring from the pump, disconnect the drain pipe and remove the unit. Once you have the pump in your hands, you can easily clean the filter element and install the components back into the machine.
The second problem that you may encounter is a leak at the location where the garbage filter is installed. This situation can occur either immediately, when starting a test wash, or after a couple of successful cycles of the washing machine. This may happen due to:
uneven or loose installation of the part;
filter thread defect;
damage to the rubber seal. The gasket may have cracked or been damaged due to careless cleaning.
What to do in this case? It is necessary to turn off the power to the washing equipment again, turn off the supply tap, and drain the water from the system. Next, you need to unscrew the garbage filter and inspect it for damage. If the surface and seal are intact, tighten the element again, as evenly as possible.
If a defect is detected, a new part will have to be installed. The garbage filter is changed along with the pump volute. If the rubber gasket is damaged, you can try to replace only it without touching the assembly.
Why clean?
The drain pump filter is a very important component in Electrolux washing machines. It prevents debris and foreign objects from entering the pump from the drum. Thanks to the filter element, the drain pump does not become clogged with lint, threads, and hair, which are always found on laundry items. In addition, rhinestones from clothes, buttons, or locks may accidentally end up in the tank. The filter “catch” these items too. If you do not clean the filter in time, a blockage will form, which will lead to malfunction of the washing machine. What can happen?
It is difficult to drain water from the tank. Over time, the washing machine will not be able to discharge water into the sewer at all, and the machine will need to be repaired.
Debris from the drain filter gets into the pump, causing its operation to be disrupted.It is possible that some object will damage the impeller blades. The pump will need to be replaced.
An unpleasant odor appears from the washing machine. Moreover, this “aroma” then comes from the laundry being washed.
To prevent possible problems, it is better to periodically clean the filter. Such a simple task will take no more than 15 minutes, but will help prevent more serious damage to the washing machine.
Cleaning Frequency
How often should the drain pump filter be washed? Will it be enough to get into the machine once a year, or is it better to start the procedure every week?
AGR manufacturers recommend cleaning the debris filter every 2-3 months.
If the machine is washed daily, the clog may form faster. More debris will accumulate when cleaning woolen products and pile fabrics. Also, if you have a furry pet at home, you should visit the pump once a month. It is advisable to immediately rinse the filter element after washing down items, children's toys, blankets, and woolen bedspreads. Problems with the washing machine may indicate that it’s time to clean the filter:
draining that is too slow or does not start at all;
bad spin. That is, the drain seems to be functioning normally, but things are not wrung out enough. Repeated spinning may or may not work;
the wash “freezes” somewhere in the middle of the process and does not resume;
The “Rinse” and “Spin” modes do not start.
The instructions for the Electrolux washing machine contain clear recommendations for cleaning the drain filter. The frequency with which it is recommended to carry out the procedure is indicated, as well as a detailed algorithm of actions.But even if the user manual included in the kit is lost, you can wash the filter element following the recommendations described above.
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