What does Cd mean on an LG washer dryer?
An attentive user will easily notice if Cd is displayed on the display of the LG washing machine and dryer. First of all, it seems that the self-diagnosis system worked and displayed an error code on the machine’s screen. But is it necessary to call a specialist and respond to the signal? Let's figure out when the combination “Cd” appears and what it means.
Purpose of code Cd
Modern machines from LG are multifunctional units that not only wash, but also dry clothes. Such combined machines have sophisticated electronic control, including a self-diagnosis system, LED indication and external monitoring. As a result, it becomes possible to constantly monitor the operation of equipment and immediately respond to failures and malfunctions.
For control purposes, the control system is constantly in “contact” with the user. Moreover, codes appear on the display not only when a failure occurs - some service signals are sent for information, not warning. The "Cd" icon is one of them.
The Cd code on the display informs you that the cooling system is activated!
This code informs the user that the cooling system has started. The latter helps the machine not to dry things out, “shake” them and smooth out any creases that have arisen. As a rule, “cold” is activated periodically, for 25 seconds every 5 minutes of the cycle throughout the entire 2-4 hours of operation. Lights up Cd and after drying, since at the end of the program the machine repeats the intake of cold air, smoothing the fabric.
The conclusion is simple: the appearance of the “Cd” code is normal. This means that the machine successfully dries things. There is no need to call a repairman or diagnose the machine.You should wait until the end of the cycle - the dryer will shut down and turn off as usual.
Advantages and disadvantages of LG SM with drying
LG washer-dryers are becoming more and more popular. The reason is clear - combined technology has many advantages over conventional technology: it is more economical, faster, more aesthetically pleasing, more compact and safer. Let's take a closer look at all the advantages of 2-in-1 slot machines.
- Speed. The built-in dryer allows you to dry your laundry faster - the machine can deal with moisture in 2-4 hours. At the same time, the time of year and the weather do not matter: the equipment always works. You won’t get a similar result on a clothesline, since in the rain the laundry can hang for several days and remain wet.
- Compactness. Few people can afford a separate dryer and washing machine - they will need twice as much space. If you buy a washing machine with a drying function, the size of the unit will remain the same, but the functionality will be wider.
The cost of LG washer-dryers starts from $300.
- Saving. Purchasing a separate washer and dryer is more expensive than purchasing a 2-in-1.
- Safety. Keeping wet laundry in the room, on radiators and on a floor dryer, is fraught with increased humidity. Firstly, it is harmful to health. Secondly, it delays the drying process, and thirdly, it provokes the appearance of mold on the walls. To avoid dampness and fungus, you need to hang clothes on the balcony or use the built-in dryer.
- Quality. When drying in a machine, items are protected from street dust and germs. As a result, clothes stay really clean much longer. This is especially true for allergy sufferers.
- Convenience. A drying machine eliminates the need for a floor dryer or clothes lines.There is no need to clutter the living space, carry things around and “shine” laundry to your neighbors. The freed up space can be used for other purposes, for example, turning a balcony into a relaxation room.
- Beauty. Clothes lines and radiator-powered shirts look unsightly. There are no such problems with a dryer-washing machine - everything is hidden from prying eyes.
The washer-dryer also has its disadvantages. Especially when you compare it with full drying. The main “minus” lies in the small volume of the drum: only half of the maximum load weight of the washing machine can be dried at a time. If the machine is designed for 5 kg, then no more than 2.5 kg can be dried per cycle.
Disadvantages also include:
- limited functionality (separate drying offers several programs, and the built-in dryer offers a maximum of two);
- modest range (LG produces only a few models of drying and washing machines);
- lack of a humidity sensor (budget “2-in-1” ones work on a timer, so things can be over-dried or under-dried);
- increased energy consumption (a combination washing machine works longer and more intensely, which means it uses more electricity);
- excessive dust (equipment without a special air filter does not retain dust, which affects the cleanliness of clothes and the apartment as a whole);
- high noise level (in order to save space, manufacturers do not pay due attention to shock absorption and sound insulation, which is why the washing machine vibrates and hums more);
- low quality of washing (machines with built-in dryers have fewer factory programs and accelerate more slowly during spinning, which affects stain removal);
- expensive maintenance (for 2-in-1 repairs, technicians charge more).
A relative disadvantage of washer-dryers is their unreliability. When drying is activated, the machine is bombarded with a stream of hot air, the prolonged exposure of which is detrimental to the rubber elements of the washing machine. This means that some parts of the machine, for example, bearings and seals, will wear out faster and need repair more often. But it all depends on the build quality and operating conditions of the equipment. Sometimes there is no problem with durability - the unit works no worse than a separate dryer.
Washing and drying machines from LG cost from 30 to 300 thousand rubles, so it is wrong to equate all models - their functionality, power and reliability vary greatly. To make the right choice, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a particular machine.
1 reader comment
Thank you Cool and useful article. Found an answer to your question.