Homemade products from a washing machine

Surprisingly, some Gorenje washing machines with a tank do not “connect” to the water supply at all. How to remake such a technique...

Do you dream of a beautiful fountain in your country house? You can assemble it from a pump from a washing machine with your own hands literally “on...

There is no point in purchasing an expensive vibrating plate only to throw it into the far corner after construction is completed. You can make your own unit...

It would never even occur to a home DIYer to turn over the working motor from an automatic washing machine for metal. You can collect...

A small home production of paving slabs cannot be organized without a vibrating table. It is expensive to purchase this unit in a store, so it is better to assemble...

You can “give a second life” to a working engine from an automatic washing machine by making it the basis of many useful devices. What's the best...

You can make a simple metal cutting machine practically on your knees in your garage. The basis will be an engine from...

Grass, twigs and other plant debris can be turned into excellent compost if you first chop it into small pieces....

We found a working motor from a washing machine in our storage rooms. Bring it back into service by manufacturing on its basis...

It seems tempting to put an engine from an LG direct-drive washing machine on your old bicycle, turning it into an “electric bicycle”...

Parts of an old washing machine can be turned into useful items in the right hands. For example, from a steel drum...

An old but working Malyutka washing machine can serve its owner if he turns it into a feather removal machine with his ...

It’s easy to buy a factory-made moonshine still today, but it’s much more interesting to make it yourself from parts of an old washing machine...

Many will say that it is easier to buy a drilling machine than to make it yourself from a washing machine motor, but...

Although the pump from an automatic washing machine is quite small, it is very productive. It is possible to produce a submersible pump that is widely...

If you lack a miniature electric pump in your garage for pumping liquids, such as water or gasoline, then you...

An old washing machine can be used in an unusual way - to make an apple chopper out of it. Converting an old appliance will require...

Instead of purchasing an apple press in a store, you can easily make one yourself from the parts of an old ...

Many homemade products from washing machine parts are offered by folk craftsmen. Some, for example, make grape presses from tanks and...

An excellent feed cutter can be made from an old washing machine with a working engine. You can make it with your own hands in 1 day...

From the engine of a washing machine you can make a wonderful thing that will definitely come in handy in the household - a lathe. We ...

A lot of useful things can be made from a washing machine engine, but this is provided that this part turns out to be...

It is best to water a garden or vegetable garden with a pump specially adapted for this purpose, but if necessary, you can use a homemade pump ...

What is better, buy a lawn mower or make one yourself from a washing machine engine. For the “burnt” homemade guy, the answer to this...

The device of a grass, straw or small branches chopper is very simple. Therefore, you can assemble the unit from scrap parts, so to speak. ...

Making a grinder from a washing machine motor is somewhat more difficult than, for example, sandpaper, however, this is quite a feasible task for...

What is not made from the parts of an automatic washing machine, a sharpener, a drilling machine, a honey extractor, and much more...

A feather removal machine is a fairly simple and safe device, which, however, can create a lot of dirt in your yard, ...

Who would come up with the idea of making a honey extractor out of a washing machine? For a novice beekeeper who has little money to buy...

A good owner in his garage or workshop has various devices necessary in everyday life. One of them...

Making a drilling machine from a washing machine motor consists of two complex stages: creating a frame and a movable mechanism moving in ...

Have you dismantled your old washing machine and want to use the parts for your household? You can try to make an electric bike from a washing machine engine...

Pottery craft is very calming on the nerves, but in order to do it you must first make a pottery wheel, because you need to lay out...

Any equipment needed to maintain an apiary is expensive for the beekeeper. So we have to come up with all sorts of things to cut costs. ...

A circular saw is a very useful thing in the household, but buying it is financially expensive, and you don’t want to, especially...

If you have to cut several truckloads of firewood every year by swinging a cleaver, isn't it time to think about automation...

Our people are thrifty by nature, so almost everyone has a bunch of junk lying around in their garage, including...

Got an old electric motor lying around in the garage? So make a generator out of it for a windmill or a gasoline power plant, and you will...

Environmentally friendly technologies in our age are very expensive, so if you want to get a windmill, then you need...

When you keep livestock you cannot do without crushed grain, so you need a machine that will grind this grain. Buy it...

It seems that a juicer is not such an expensive and inaccessible device, so making it with your own hands is easier...

Not everyone is ready to shell out a lot of money for a household concrete mixer just to use it a couple of times...

Homemade emery from a washing machine motor is useful for sharpening knives, scissors, and drill bits. Assemble such emery according to the video instructions...

Our people are not used to throwing away useful things, so you shouldn’t be surprised that almost all the parts of old washing machines ...