Dishwasher reviews

Who would think of buying an unfamiliar LEX brand dishwasher? It turns out to be many. People don't just take this technology,...

Not every German appliance can compare with Swedish Asko brand dishwashers. This statement can be heard from annoying...

Italian dishwashers from the Smeg brand are expensive, but according to the manufacturer, they are worth the money. Whether this is true or not...

Dishwashers of the famous AEG brand are that rare case when the wrapper matches the contents. It's top-notch technology on the outside and...

The Samsung brand produces a huge amount of all kinds of equipment, including good dishwashers. What do they think about...

What is special about the increasingly popular Delonghi DDW09S Ladamante Unico dishwasher? Why do people buy it all...

The narrow built-in dishwasher Delonghi DDW06S Cristallo Ultimo is special for its technical advancement and reliability. They couldn't help but...

Every day thousands of Miele dishwashers are sold all over the world. People who purchase them hope for a consistently high...

Having released about seven models of dishwashers, Ikea has made a serious bid, if not to capture the market for such equipment, ...

Judging by consumer reviews, the built-in dishwasher of the Elpsam model is very good. And the manufacturer gives high fives for a reason...

Judging by the reviews, 45 cm dishwashers are in great demand among consumers, but which model is better than the rest. ...

Compact, narrow and full-size, freestanding and built-in Zanussi dishwashers have been of interest to users for a long time. How to choose the best technology? ...

Those interested in narrow (45 cm) built-in dishwashers should pay attention to the Zanussi ZDV91500FA. They are actively interested in her...

Customers leave a lot of reviews about the dishwasher model Flavia BI 45 Delia, which perfectly characterize it. We need ...

Just five years ago, at most 15 models of small dishwashers could be found on the market. ...

About a dozen models of Zigmund & Shtain dishwashers are known to Russian consumers. Five of them are quite popular, let's study the reviews...

The Neff company supplies only a few dozen models of dishwashers to Russia, but buyers invariably pay attention to them. ...

There are not many budget dishwashers among Aristons. The manufacturer decided to fill this gap and created a dishwasher...

Among the many dishwashers of different brands, people choose Corting. One of the most popular is the Korting KDI model dishwasher...

Some people say that freestanding dishwashers from different brands are better than built-in ones, while others have the opposite point of view. ...

It's not often that you see an inexpensive dishwasher from Corting. However, you will have to believe your eyes, because the Korting dishwasher ...

Not the cheapest, but still a budget dishwasher of the Whirlpool ADG 422 model, according to advertisers, pleases people with its ...

Machines with a narrow body take up less space in an already small kitchen, which is why buyers turn to them...

Why is the Kuppersberg GSA 489 brand dishwasher so popular among buyers? Maybe it's all about the commercials...

Why is the Beko DFS 05010W dishwasher so widely discussed on the Internet? The reason is most likely the low cost...

It’s good that there is competition in the dishwasher market, otherwise you would have to pay a lot of money for the equipment. Dishwasher ...

This time you should pay attention to the Beko DFC 26010 W narrow body dishwasher. This machine ...

The fairly popular built-in dishwasher of the narrow model Hansa ZIM 426EH has become a favorite among many consumers. Why is this happening, we...

Users around the world leave numerous reviews about the Bosch SMV44KX00R dishwasher. What is the reason for this activity? ...

There is always a stable demand for the large built-in dishwasher model Bosch SMV24AX02R. We will find out what this is connected with...

In search of a built-in dishwasher with a narrow body (45 cm), people come across Hansa ZIM4677EV. This technique is really...

Many people dream of a built-in dishwasher with large Electrolux ESL95201LO baskets, which will clean dishes flawlessly for many years. ...

The Electrolux ESL94510LO, a fully integrated dishwasher with a narrow body 45 cm wide, is similar to many of its other “brothers”. ...

When paying attention to the Electrolux ESL94585RO model dishwasher, do not forget to read the reviews from experienced users. Often it is opinions...

The Electrolux ESL95321LO built-in dishwasher, which is very affordable, is liked by many potential buyers.Is it worth giving her...

The built-in dishwasher with a width of only 45 cm Electrolux ESL94201LO is specially designed for small rooms in small apartments. Is it worth...

When you see an Electrolux ESF9423LMW dishwasher with a body width of 45 cm on the counter in a store, ask everything about it, ...

The Chinese built-in dishwasher model Hansa ZIM 415H, due to its low price, attracts many. But don't rush to...

It is difficult to find a dishwasher of the same class as the Hansa ZWM 675 WH at a lower price. But how...

Somewhat similar to an old TV, the compact dishwasher model Midea MCFD55200W, however, attracts some consumers. Her ...

The Electrolux ESF9551LOX dishwasher with a huge washing tank for 13 place settings has long been loved by consumers. For what ...

If you have noticed the narrow Electrolux ESL 94300 LO dishwasher, do not rush to make a purchase. To not...

The Hansa ZIM 628 EH dishwasher will help you wash a mountain of dishes without difficulty, because it is very spacious. About ...

Today, more and more housewives dream of purchasing a Hansa ZIM 446 EH dishwasher, and this is no coincidence. This technique has received...

Take a closer look at the Hansa ZWM 446 IEH model dishwasher. Its appearance and good assembly captivate many, but...

Fully built-in dishwashers are more often chosen, but the freestanding dishwasher with a cabinet width of 45 cm Hansa ZWM4577WH is also popular among many...

The full-size dishwasher Hansa ZWM 646 WEH is capable of washing not just a lot of dishes, but also large dishes, for example, baking trays, ...

The dishwasher model Hansa ZIM 428 EH, which is quite affordable in terms of price, is loved by a large number of users, but some ...

When looking for reviews of various appliances, including the ZWM 616 IH dishwasher, remember that the opinion ...

An excellent built-in dishwasher called Hansa ZIM 676 H is capable of washing all the dishes in the house in one go, ...

An excellent and at the same time inexpensive dishwasher Hansa ZIM 436 EH is close in quality to the most famous brands ...

The very affordable built-in dishwasher model Hansa ZIM606H (60 cm) attracts many, but it costs ...

Despite its narrow body and compact size, the Hansa ZIM 476 H brand dishwasher includes 10 sets ...

The full-size and fully built-in dishwasher model Bosch SMV40E50RU came to the homes of our citizens not so long ago and has already ...

The built-in dishwasher model Bosch SMV30D30RU Activewater, assembled in Poland, has very attractive technical characteristics. How did she...

No matter how much the seller praises his product, for example, a compact Bosch dishwasher, get more information about it. Pay attention...

The full-size, 60 cm wide, built-in dishwasher model Bosch SMV40D00RU has appealed to a huge number of users, about which ...

German dishwashers from Bosch have incorporated all modern advanced technologies, the Bosch SPV40X90RU dishwasher is no exception. Costs ...

The special love of consumers for the dishwasher model Bosch SPV 53M70 is explained by the relatively low cost of this equipment, its large ...

Buyers consider the Bosch SPS30E02RU narrow body dishwasher to be of objectively good quality. It is not without minor flaws...

Quite typical for the Bosch brand, the Bosch Activewater SPS30E22RU dishwasher (45 cm) will take its rightful place in your kitchen. ...

There are a lot of built-in dishwashers on sale, but you still need to look for one like the Bosch SMV 53l30. Read customer reviews and...

The narrow and at the same time spacious dishwasher model Bosch SPS 40E12 RU of German assembly received high praise from ...

If you still don’t know anything about the Bosch SPS40E42RU dishwasher, you should get to know it. For ...

Today we will try to introduce you to a new product from Poland – the Bosch SMV23AX01R dishwasher. This full-size “unit” is already...

The record-breaking built-in dishwasher with a cabinet width of 45 cm Bosch Serie 4 SPV47E30RU is packed with quite a lot of ...

The Bosch SMV23AX00R dishwasher, well-made and stuffed with all sorts of bells and whistles, is very popular with a large number of consumers. But apparently because...

The narrow built-in dishwasher, assembled in Germany Bosch SPV40E30RU, and at an affordable price, is simply fantastic, ...

Several dozen models of dishwashers are produced in Russia under the Bosch brand. One of them is Bosch SMS24AW01R. Judging by ...

It is unlikely that the Kuppersberg GL 6033 dishwasher should be presented and actively advertised. The consumer already knows this brand...

The well-known dishwasher model Kuppersberg GLA 689 suddenly began to gain popularity among Russian buyers. What does this have to do with...

Bosch SMV30D20RU is a full-size built-in dishwasher that can accommodate 12 place settings. What opinions will consumers have about these machines? Not ...

When choosing a dishwasher, you should read reviews about a specific machine model, compare it with other models to understand what...

Many people have seen compact dishwashers in commercials. Bosch SKS50E12RU is just such a technique. What about...

Most consumers who have had time to evaluate the quality of the Bosch SPS40E32RU dishwasher do not want to part with it. And why break up...

Everyone knows that dishwashers in the middle and high price categories are produced under the Bosch brand, but Bosch SPV ...

The Bosch SPV40X80RU model dishwasher is popular among Russian owners and housewives. Many explain this by the unexpectedly low price, but...

Bosch SPV30E40RU is a narrow, fully built-in dishwasher produced under a well-known brand. She is primarily attracted...

Bosch SPV30E00RU, having barely appeared on the market, immediately attracted a lot of people because of its low price and high quality. The ...

The Flavia brand is quite widely advertised, and dishwashing equipment produced under this brand is in demand among consumers. But as it turned out...

Bosch SMV47L10RU is generally liked by Russian consumers. What kind of qualities do users attribute to this dishwasher, hinting...

No matter how much you search on the Internet, which dishwasher is better, this information is best presented in various reviews...

Built-in dishwashers from Bosch are often marvels of engineering. However, not all models are popular with...

Compact dishwashers from the famous Bosch brand have been on the market for quite a long time and people are well aware of them. Very ...

It is believed that Hansa is a German company, in fact, all Hansa appliances are made in China, the dishwasher model ...

Candy CDP 4609 is a dishwasher that still does not leave Russian consumers indifferent. You can find a lot of...

The Candy CDCF 6 07 dishwasher is invariably of interest to consumers because it is affordable, looks good in appearance, and ...

Some people, having heard the name of the Kuppersberg brand, immediately gain confidence in the equipment produced under this brand and, as it turned out, ...

Electrolux ESL94200lO is a simple dishwasher, the sales of which are growing every year. Why does this happen and...

User reviews help you make the right choice when buying a dishwasher. However, not all people want to leave such a review...

Indesit dishwashers supplied to Russia are most often assembled in Poland, for example, the DSR 15b3 RU model. How...

The main advantage of a tabletop dishwasher is its compactness. After all, other appliances simply won’t fit into a small kitchen. IN ...

Household appliances from the Slovenian company Gorenje are known throughout the world for their reliability. What do people think about the model dishwasher...

The relatively new Gorenje GV66161 dishwasher, as soon as it appeared on the Russian market, immediately attracted the interest of a large circle of potential consumers. What ...

Dishwashers from the famous Slovenian company Gorenje have found their niche of consumers, including the fully built-in model GV 55111. What ...

Inexpensive Chinese dishwashers of the Midea brand have appeared in large quantities on the shelves of household appliances stores. This brand does not...

The Whirlpool ADG 221 dishwasher, produced under the control of the Kandy company, is from a low price category and is rated by most users as quite good ...

Korting KDI 45175 is an excellent and inexpensive dishwasher from a well-known European manufacturer. I would like to believe this...

Increasingly, people began to share their impressions of purchases, including dishwashers. In this ...

The Siemens SR64E002RU dishwasher assembled in Germany, it would seem, should be an example of high quality. But many people say...

It is impossible to understand how good the Beko DIS 15010 dishwasher is based on technical characteristics alone; it is better to test it in practice. ...

Cheap equipment is always attractive to consumers, even if it is not of very high quality. One cannot say about Vestel dishwashers that...

Reading reviews about Leran dishwashers and other equipment, of course, is not prohibited. But to make it easier to find information...

When we talk about the Hephaestus brand, we do not mean dishwashers, however, in recent ...

If you are interested in Gorenje brand dishwashers, know that most models are assembled in China, not Slovenia. TO ...

Korting dishwashers are gradually conquering the Russian market, increasing their army of fans among Russian consumers. What do people say about...

Buying a dishwasher is not an easy task. With a limited budget, I want to buy a washing machine that will serve for a long time,...

Modern conditions and the rhythm of life force some people to buy a dishwasher, which makes homework easier, freeing up time for ...

Siemens dishwashers are similar in many ways to Bosch dishwashers; people most often respond positively to them, noting the quality...

Electrolux dishwashers are currently very much advertised and people generally do not understand what information is true, but ...

Whether a beginner or a professional user may have problems choosing a new dishwasher. Sellers and advertisers are here...

In our country, for some reason, narrow dishwashers with a width of only 45 cm are most often purchased. Until the end...

When you walk into a supermarket that sells household appliances, you can’t help but think that dishwashers of different brands are similar...

Medelstor and Skinande dishwashers from Ikea first attracted the attention of consumers a couple of years ago. This is the case when...

Ariston dishwashers are in good demand and trust among buyers, who note the optimal ratio of equipment quality and price. ...

Over the past few years, Ikea has been producing a lot of good built-in appliances. Including the dishwasher...

Compact dishwashers are a good solution for small “Khrushchev” kitchens. About how they work, what their advantages are...

Dishwashers produced under the Whirlpool brand have a stable demand among consumers around the world, but are they really that good...

Reviews of Kandy dishwashers indicate that these are good dishwashers with an attractive price-quality ratio. ...

Hans dishwashers quickly gained fame in the Russian market. Although the origin of the brand itself raises some doubts, ...

Today, many consumers often rely on reviews when making purchases. On the one hand, this is correct, because you can find out...