Auto-cleaning on an Ariston washing machine
With every wash, household appliances inevitably become clogged. Small debris, lint from fabric and too hard water provoke blockages and scale, which in turn affects the performance of the internal parts of the machine. You can save your washing machine from plaque and debris using a special automatic cleaning mode. Only a few people know how auto-cleaning works on an Ariston washing machine. We suggest filling this gap and getting to know the function better.
Starting automatic cleaning
On the dashboard of almost every Ariston model there is a button with a self-cleaning mode. This option can start automatic cleaning of the washing machine, which will remove scale and dirt from the machine parts without any extra effort from the user. The main thing is to regularly activate the function and add an effective detergent.
Despite the usefulness and convenience of the program, many Ariston owners do not use it due to ignorance. However, starting the mode is very simple:
- make sure that there are no things in the drum;
- open the detergent tray by holding the central “latch” (this way the powder will work more efficiently);
- add a special cleaner for cleaning household appliances;
- start auto cleaning by simultaneously pressing the “Extra rinse” and “Quick wash” buttons;
- pay attention to the display (if the program is activated, the combination “AUE” will appear, which will change to “UEO”, and then “EOC” will be displayed);
- We observe the behavior of the washing machine (ideally, the machine should beep, block the hatch and start drawing water).
If you do not deviate from the instructions, then turning on the test mode will not be difficult.After starting the cycle, you can leave the machine alone for 2-3 hours. During this time, Ariston will remove the layer of scale from the heating element, clean the pipes and hoses from blockages, and by washing at 60-90 degrees, disinfect the unit, eliminating mold, mildew and unpleasant odors.
To keep the machine clean and prevent breakdowns, you need to regularly run automatic cleaning. The manufacturer recommends repeating the procedure every 1-3 months.
What tool will we use?
Before you turn on self-cleaning, you should stock up on a suitable cleaning product. Regular powder will not work - you need a special composition, which is purchased separately. It is better not to experiment with brands, but to choose already proven cleaners.
- A liquid product produced in Japan that can cope with soap scum, fungus, scale and other dirt. Sold in 550 ml bottles, which is enough for one-time cleaning of a machine with a capacity of up to 9 kg. The cost varies between 6-6.3 dollars.
- Japanese tablets with proven effectiveness. They remove any contaminants and are attractive at a relatively low price. A pack of 5 tablets costs about $2.
- Dutch anti-mold powder for all types of washing machines. Sold in packs of 0.162 liters for $10.
Before use, you must read the instructions on the package and strictly follow the given dosages. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved, and the expensive product will be wasted.
What should you not clean your machine?
In an effort to save money, some housewives begin to “cheat” and look for an alternative to expensive powder among the means at hand. Tips and recommendations are available on the Internet, however, not all of the listed “analogs” can be considered effective and safe.
So, most often on forums it is advised to use white, various acids and Coca-Cola drink as a detergent when turning on the self-cleaning mode. Unfortunately, none of the listed liquids will save money; on the contrary, they will damage the machine and incur additional costs.
- White. It is rightfully considered a powerful and effective cleaner and, thanks to the concentrated chlorine in its composition, it will quickly wash away dirt and scale from the “insides” of the machine. However, there is a significant “but” - the substance strongly corrodes rubber parts, which will lead to breakdowns and leaks.
- Acids. Like white, they will cause significant damage to the rubber cuffs and gaskets of the machine. Plus, metal components will also suffer: the drum will darken, the shaft and heating element will oxidize. Some users burned through the drain hose with liquid.
- Cola. It is famous for its cleaning qualities, but the available concentration of active substances is not enough to completely clean the machine. It will take about 15-20 liters, which is several times more expensive than special equipment.
There is no point in saving money on cleaning the machine. Aggressive and untested chemistry will do more harm than good. There is a high probability that budget experiments will lead to the need to purchase a new washing machine.
1 reader comment
My machine doesn't have these buttons. What should I do?