How to replace a washing machine activator
The design of activator-type washing machines is quite simple, it would seem that there is nothing to break in it. However, parts are subject to physical wear, and there comes a certain moment when the question arises of how to replace this or that part in such a machine. In this article, we decided to look at the washing machine activator, the structure of this part in different machine models, and how to replace it correctly.
What is called a washing machine activator?
If you ask this question to users of semi-automatic washing machines, they will answer that An activator is a rotating disk at the bottom or wall of the machine’s tank, which mixes the laundry during washing. We will only add that on the outer side of the disk, which is made of plastic, there are blades. Such activators can be different in shape and size, but their main purpose is the same - to set the contents of the tank in motion.
A modern automatic washing machine also has an activator. A little strange, but that's how it is. In fact, this is a drum fin breaker; as a rule, it is a plastic element that looks like a barrier. It is attached to the inside of the drum; the purpose of the rib punch is to break and shake lumps of laundry and thus improve the quality of washing.
Let's celebrate! This activator also has another function: it acts as a drum stiffener, protecting this part from damage and strengthening it.
Types of washing machines by activator location
Small washing machines, designed to wash 1-1.5 kg of laundry, were in almost every Soviet family. Today they are used by summer residents.Repairing such a machine by a specialist in most cases is not reasonable, since it can cost half the cost of a new machine. Therefore, users very often try to repair equipment with their own hands. And I must say that for the majority it turns out very well.
Small-sized machines are divided into two types. In some, the activator is located vertically. Such washing machines include “Samara” and “Desna”. The second type of machines have a horizontally located activator, for example, “Malyutka-425M”, “Fairy-2” or “Mini-Vyatka”. In semi-automatic spinning machines, the activator is also located horizontally. When disassembling such a machine there are also some peculiarities. Let's consider one by one how to remove and replace the activator in different washing machine models.
Washing machines SM-1
Washing machines of this type include “Malyutka”, “Samara”, “Otrada”. The insides of such machines consist of the main elements: tank, lid, housing, electric motor, thermal relay, capacitors, activator. There is no drum in the activator machine; the functions of the drum are replaced by the activator, which rotates the water in the tank.
To remove the activator, you need to disassemble the machine itself and prepare the key that will be needed to unscrew the activator. Let's consider making such a key from a section of a water pipe with your own hands using the example of the Malyutka machine. The pipe must be 150 mm longer than the diameter of the activator body. Using a 6 mm drill, make 2 holes in the pipe, the distance between them is 9.5 cm, and the holes will be located symmetrically relative to the center. Then take two bolts and insert them into the holes, the ends of the bolts should protrude 10-15 mm. Finally, secure the bolts with nuts.
Now we’ll describe how to unscrew the activator:
- We remove the plug from the side of the machine.
- We turn the activator by hand so that the hole in the housing clearly coincides with the hole in the impeller.
- We take a screwdriver and insert it into the engine rotor, thereby jamming it.
- We insert a homemade key into the activator body and unscrew it.
Important! The activator on different machines is unscrewed both clockwise and counterclockwise.
- Having removed the activator, take a similar one and assemble the machine in the reverse order.
Washing machines SM-1.5
SM-1.5 vehicles include “Fairy”, “Ivushka”, “Mini-Vyatka”. Their peculiarity is that the activator rotates thanks to a belt drive. Removing the activator in such machines is not at all difficult. Let's list the procedure using the Mini-Vyatka machine as an example.:
- After unplugging the washing machine, remove the tray (marked 1 in the figure).
- Loosen the bolts holding the engine.
- Remove the drive belt (34) from the pulley (32).
- Next, you need to unscrew the nut holding the pulley (21).
- Now, having knocked out the stopper (20), remove the activator (25).
When installing a new activator, you should not forget that the distance between the tank and the activator should not exceed 2 mm, the axial displacement should not exceed 0.5 mm. To adjust the installation of the activator, a washer is inserted.
Washing machines SM-2
Washing machines of this type differ from previous ones in their larger sizes and the ability to wash up to 2.5 kg of laundry. The body of the rectangular machine is made of metal coated with paint. The activator is usually located on the side. To remove and replace it, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:
- Unscrew the back cover of the case and remove it.
- Remove the belt from the pulley.
- Unscrew the bolt holding the pulley to the activator shaft.
- Hold the activator with one hand and remove the pulley.
- Press the shaft together with the activator disk into the washing machine tank.
- Get the activator.
- Reassemble the machine in reverse order using a new activator.
Automatic washing machines with drum and activator
As a general rule, automatic and semi-automatic washing machinesmachines that do not have a drum are called activator machines, since the water in the tank is set in motion using an activator, but machines with drums opposite the activator do not have them, since they work using a rotating drum. But there are exceptions to this rule - Daewoo top-loading washing machines. They have both a drum and an activator. How to remove a broken activator on such machines and replace it with a new one?
- In this case, dismantling the drum is not required. To remove the activator you will have to remove the drum rim, otherwise it will interfere. Move the plastic clips to the sides and remove the rim.
- Now you need to unscrew the nut holding the activator. It is located right at the bottom of the drum, so you will need a socket wrench.
- Having unscrewed the nut, pry up the activator with a screwdriver, and then pull it out along with the nut and washer.
- We purchase a new original activator, put it in place of the old one, and then secure it with a nut.
Note! When unscrewing the nut holding the activator, ask someone to hold the drum so that it does not rotate. Of course, you can jam the drum using a wooden block, but in this case there is a risk of damaging the rotation mechanism.
Changing the fin punch
Replacing the fin punch is not difficult; almost anyone can handle this task. What do we have to do?
- Take a stiff wire (or spring).
- We bend its tip with a crochet hook.
- We insert the wire into the hole of the rib punch, press on it and feed it towards ourselves.
- The rib punch should come off the latch and be removed.
- The new drum finner is put on by hand. We feed the part slightly upward, and then put the mating part on the hooks.
- Now the hooks need to be tightened; to do this, take an awl, thread it through the holes in the rib punch and tighten the fixing hooks.
To summarize, we note that you can replace the washing machine activator with your own hands, without the involvement of a specialist. The main thing is to buy an original spare part and take into account all the advice of experts. Of course, if you are not comfortable with technology and doubt your abilities, invite a specialist, and he will do everything in a few minutes.
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